A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
National Security Archive
The National Security Archive is well worth a visit, if you are interested in International Politics.
Thompson's Wagon Train
Here are some interesting articles on the New Reagan?
Robert Novak, a good write up on Thompson but not quite Ronald Reagan yet, lets be honest there was only one Ronald Reagan.
USA Today, interesting article on the Thompson Campaign and his use of new media to get his message across to the public.
Washington Post, the article looks at the Thompson Political Wagon Train and the road it will follow, interesting and fair article from the Post, well worth a read.
The Politico , article on a early Test for Thompson, a Straw Poll in Iowa.
Robert Novak, a good write up on Thompson but not quite Ronald Reagan yet, lets be honest there was only one Ronald Reagan.
USA Today, interesting article on the Thompson Campaign and his use of new media to get his message across to the public.
Washington Post, the article looks at the Thompson Political Wagon Train and the road it will follow, interesting and fair article from the Post, well worth a read.
The Politico , article on a early Test for Thompson, a Straw Poll in Iowa.
Kissinger on Vietnam and Iraq
An interesting article on the lessons of Vietnam, in essence Vietnam was lost at home and Military Strategy can not be based on political aims that have no reality in the real world, thus no early exit from Iraq, a political strategy is needed for the future of Iraq that can gain support in Iraq and the region, but can also gain support in the United States from Republicans and Democrats. The problem is looking at Iraq through the window of Vietnam, they share some of the same problems. Both countries at the time where seen as important to American Security, the difference that on the whole leaving Vietnam was in some respects a public relationship problem that feed in to the real politic views of other countries when it came to the United States. In other words the failure of the USA in Vietnam feed in to the view that the USA was weak thus the USSR could take action in Afghanistan in 1979. The reality is cold hard terms the Vietnam was a mistake and it hurt the USA but unlike Afghanistan invasion by the USSR it did not bring down the USA. It can be argued that the invasion of the Afghanistan by the USSR helped in the downfall of the USSR. If the American left had its way the USA would be out of Iraq, but unlike Vietnam this would not solve any problems it would create more troubling times for the United States, terrorists would have a base in Iraq and they money, lets not forget about the money. It could be postulated that the terrorists could get their hands on nuclear techonology and then they could use it to attack the West. Also and this has to be stressed we might need Iraq to attack Iran, lets not beat about the bush here, if Iraq cant or wont give up its nuclear military development then the West, e.g USA and the UK will have to take military action to remove the problem. It can be argued that President George W. Bush will not want to leave office with a nuclear armed Iran. If Israel is not take action then the USA and UK will have to take action, this action would only take place when all diplomatic moves have not worked or any covert action cant not do the job, Vientam was a disaster but a failed Iraq would make Vientam look like amature hour after a few drinks, a failed Iraq under the power of terrorest leader like UBL could cause massive destruction and death in the International Community. Thus it is important to understand the lessons of Vietnam but it is very important to understand that Vietnam is the past and the past sometimes is better left alone, because past mistakes can lead to future mistakes and in the present security environment the world can not afford a real effects of a failed WAR TO FAR.
Edwards and 2008 Election
An interesting article in Time by Bob Shrum on the 2004 Presidential Election and the choice of John Edwards for VP. Views is getting a feeling, is Edwards seen as the real challenge to Hillary Clinton 2008 and is the Clinton Machine out to stop Edwards early, just a feeling!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Republican Round Up
On the Republican side here are some interesting articles.
The Politico, Fred Thompson is going to run for President, formal start point over the weekend.
RealClearPolitics Blog , Thompson is in but no formal news over weekend.
Washington Post Blog, looks at the runners and how Fred Thompson will affect the race. Have a read very interesting.
MSNBC on the polls and how the race is going in both Republican and Democratic Races.
The Politico, Fred Thompson is going to run for President, formal start point over the weekend.
RealClearPolitics Blog , Thompson is in but no formal news over weekend.
Washington Post Blog, looks at the runners and how Fred Thompson will affect the race. Have a read very interesting.
MSNBC on the polls and how the race is going in both Republican and Democratic Races.
Democratic Round Up
Here are some interesting articles on the Democratic Party.
Slate on the bad performance of Bill Richardson on Meet the Press.
New York Magazine, those books on Hillary Clinton are coming, cant wait!! As of now she will be the Nominee of the Democratic Party in 2008.
The New York Observer, a article on the new book by Bob Shrum, Shrum is to Democratic Politics as Spin is to Tony Blair. The difference is Blair wins, while Shrum does not on the Presidential Level. If your a real political geek read this article.
Slate on the bad performance of Bill Richardson on Meet the Press.
New York Magazine, those books on Hillary Clinton are coming, cant wait!! As of now she will be the Nominee of the Democratic Party in 2008.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Iowa and 2008
An interesting article in the Washington Post on the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton.
NYT Article On Clinton
The book that wants to cause problems for Hillary Clinton, read an interesting article by the authors, make your own mind up.
Death in Iraq
On American Memorial Day our Remembrance Day, the USA has lost 10 Soldiers, they died fighting for freedom, there is no more Noble Aim.
Iraq Report
As a policy VIEWS tends to read important documents, tax, jobs, going to war, no sorry VIEWS puts his hands up, has not read a Secret National Intelligence Estimate about Iraq. I am sure if I was bored not running for President and my country was going to war I might get around to reading such a document. They make paper from trees!!, sure all good Democrats read such a document before voting for WAR. Of course not don't be silly this is American Politics, Hillary Clinton had more pressing issues, running for President.
The Left and Hillary Clinton
Senator Hillary Clinton is having problems, the Left don't trust her after Iraq. The Senator has moved to the left but the left does not want or trust her. The Huffington Post has a very interesting review of a book on the Senator. The book is quite negative on her record on Iraq. Senator Clinton has made a political mistake, she should have stood firm on Iraq, then she would have been seen as a tough and Independent of the Democratic Party. In a General Election the left is not the Majority in the United States, if the Senator moves to far to the left then the Republicans can paint her as liberal, weak on national security and having stated views on both sides of the issues when it comes to Iraq, aka Kerry in 2004. Is Bill Clinton really running her campaign, does he want her to win?
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Round Up
Well Folks VIEWS has been ill so lets see whats the Buzz out there:
More Money for Iraq but will the Fat Lady Sing in September! This is really crunch time for the War in Iraq!
New Government for Wales? well after the election and the mess of the talks, is Wales about to show that is has grown up politics. VIEWS is not holding his breath!
More Money for Iraq but will the Fat Lady Sing in September! This is really crunch time for the War in Iraq!
New Government for Wales? well after the election and the mess of the talks, is Wales about to show that is has grown up politics. VIEWS is not holding his breath!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Democratic Mess over Iraq
In the end the Democrats had to give over Iraq, they gave the President what he wanted on Iraq or else face the wrath of the American people. The left is going to go blue in the face over this, they want out of Iraq now, the Democrats will get something to wave about, non military funding will have some bench marks but as of now it is not clear if the bench marks will have any teeth. Views cant wait for the left to go ballistic, will make VIEWS smile a lot to see the left go bonkers.
This is new BBC Series is a gem and should be shown on BBC 2, it shows that there are men like Albert Kahn who care about peace and want people to learn through gaining knowledge of other people that peace is the way in the World.
The Civilians Story during World War One made you wonder about the lack of humanity that posses man in War, the destruction of people, historical buildings, needles death and destruction, will man ever learn.
No Government for Wales
The Welsh Assembly Election was on May 3rd, it is now May 22 and still no government. If Plaid Cymru support Labour when they have the chance to form the Government then I hope all members of Plaid Cymru will consider is it worth voting for a Party that does not have back bone to form a government. What ever VIEWS might think of the SNP at least they are trying to govern. Is Wales a ONE party state, if Labour gets only one seat in a election are they the natural party of government. If this is true, then why bother having the Assembly, or paying the AM's, this is a crunch time for Welsh Democracy, a ONE party state or real Democracy.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Welsh Assembly
Well what can one say, Wales and its Assembly still has no government, even Scotland has manged that, OK minority but at least grown up politics, what do we in Wales get immature hour and no free drinks either. VIEWS is and always will be a Conservative but why cant Plaid Cymru, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and the one Independent work together and form a government. Do we live in North Korea or China, is Wales a One Party State, if so why bother to pay the opposition parties just let Labour run Wales as it shows the the other parties do not have the courage of their convictions. As one of my favourite characters says VIEWS is from Wales but not Welsh if Welsh is being having no courage and treating the people of Wales as some great unwashed crowd that has to be tolerated ever few years for their votes while letting Labour run Wales as a one party state.
The Left and Iraq
The Democratic left could not get the Senate to cut off funds, the vote was 67 -29 against the idea, as for how the Senate will get money to the troops that is still up in the air, Developing.
Gordo all the Way
Gordon Brown will have a Coronation for Party Leader and PM. When Lady Thatcher went in 1990 there was a real leadership contest and it helped the party. The point being that the Conservatives won in 1992.
Debate Articles
Some interesting Articles on the GOP Debate.
The Nation, The Bible of the left seems to think that the all the problems of the world come out of the USA.
NY Daily News, How Rudy was helped in the debate, when it is about 9/11 the Mayor is on form as a political winner.
The Nation, The Bible of the left seems to think that the all the problems of the world come out of the USA.
NY Daily News, How Rudy was helped in the debate, when it is about 9/11 the Mayor is on form as a political winner.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Giuliani wins GOP Debate
The GOP Debate was won by Rudy Giuliani, when the Issue is 9/11 Giuliani wins when it moves to more social issues he has problems. If Giuliani can keep to the issue of national security he wins the nomination. The same goes for the general election in 08. Even with the help of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton can not win on National Security issues. Senator Clinton has had to move to the left to make sure she is the nominee of the party in 08, but in the general election a weak stand on national security and also from a gender point of view, Clinton is no Thatcher, will make it easy for Republicans to paint her as a Liberal and weak, never a good place for a Democrat Nominee.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Iraq Weekend Articles
Plan B for Iraq, Plan B means going dirty, supporting one side against another, but if Plan A fails then the Administration will have no choice, as the articles states it is better winning than losing.
Art of War, looking at the political and military prospects in Iraq. How the the Top Brass have became politicians and how the grunts on the ground want to win. That's the problem when you think fighting a war is all about technology not hard tough combat. Vietnam has a lot to answer for in many respects. Winning is all, and it does not matter how hard or tough you have to be to win. VIEWS would agree with that up to point, there has to be a difference or what is the point. But that is just a matter of degree.
Articles from the Weekend
Here are some interesting articles from the weekend that caught the attention of VIEWS:
The New Yorker, a article on the buzz caused by the book by George Tenet.
The New Yorker, a article on the buzz caused by the book by George Tenet.
Friday, May 11, 2007
The Edwardians - The Soldiers Tale
As part of the Edwardian Season we have the Edwardians in Colour: The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn, in this series we have just had the WW1 in Colour. The Soldiers Tale was one of the best history shows VIEWS has seen in years. The Colour pictures of the French Soldiers showed what they had to put up with over four years, no wonder there was a mutiny. WW1 in Colour brings the suffering more to life in some respects, black and white creates a distance, but colour is different, it is closer to your reality. A reality that makes you want peace around the world in all time periods.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Blair Exit v The Press
Here are some interesting articles on Tony Blair.
UK Guardian, a very fair article on Tony Blair, bit left wing but then it is the Guardian, the UK's version of the New York Times, but worth a read by left and right. One issue that it is wrong, Europe, more water between us the better.
FT, also very critical of Tony Blair. The Reason Iraq.
The Economist, a very fair and balanced article. It will be interesting to read the papers tomorrow.
UK Guardian, a very fair article on Tony Blair, bit left wing but then it is the Guardian, the UK's version of the New York Times, but worth a read by left and right. One issue that it is wrong, Europe, more water between us the better.
FT, also very critical of Tony Blair. The Reason Iraq.
The Economist, a very fair and balanced article. It will be interesting to read the papers tomorrow.
The Blogs on Tony Blair
Guido not that impressed with the speech. He is right the Party Speech was much better, perhaps our Tony should have gone then, time waits for no man.
Ian Dale's Diary, also very critical of the speech, called it very American, very true, perhaps a better way would have been to do a TV speech, oak room, Library, desk, in other words a British Speech not a West Wing Speech. I wish political folk would stop watching American political shows, we are the UK not the USA.
PM Exit - 27 June 2007

Tony Blair, Prime Minister
Courtesy of the White House
Tony Blair today announced that he will be leaving 10 Downing Street on June 27th 2007. The Speech was good but it was the wrong time, it should have been delivered a few years ago. When you think of Tony Blair the one word that comes up is Iraq. It will take a few years for Tony Blair to be considered in the same league as Lady Thatcher. But Tony Blair is a good politician he if any one can turn the historical view around. This was not 1968 when LBJ left or 1974 when Nixon left.
Another Veto?
Its seems that the DEMOCRATIC Congress has to pander to its left wing base, the House is in the Process of developing another Bill that tries to place limits on the power of the President to run a War. The White House is making it clear that the President will use his Veto Power again. The President should start to make the deaths of troops the responsibility of the Congress after the money runs out, with great power comes great responsibility and if you pander to your base you have a great chance of helping the opposition win power, that is pure politics.
Tony Blair's Air Miles
The London Times reports that the Prime Minister will be travelling in his last few Weeks in Office, but it does not seem he will solve his greatest mess, and that is called Iraq. That will be one of the first problems faced by Gordon Brown. Iraq and Scotland, one has to wonder if Tony Blair in his heart of hearts is glad that he was pushed out in some respects, Gordon Brown will have to deal with the Civil War in Iraq and the political problems in Scotland.
The Edwardians - Miss Marie Lloyd, Queen of the Music Hall
This was a gem of a Drama, Jessie Wallace proved she was more than just a EastEnder actor, after a few minutes she was Marie Lloyd. One critic it could have been longer. It would have been interesting to show what happened with the development of Cinema to those that worked in the Music Hall.
10 Downing Street Press Briefing
The slow succession of Gordon Brown starts tomorrow. There will be a Cabinet Meeting at 9.am, it is reported that the PM will tell his Cabinet that he will be leaving once Labour has chosen a new leader.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
John Reid Out?
The Home Secretary has announced he will go when Tony Blair goes, very clever move if you think about it, allow Gordon Brown to get caught up in a political fist fight with the SNP in Scotland, also have to deal with a Conservative Party that could win the next election. VIEWS has been thinking, Gordon Brown is dour and very Scottish will that work with Middle England. He also hit their pensions and they might want political pay back at the next election. Thus Labour goes down on the mat. Thus enter John Reid as a new leader for Labour.
On the other hand, if Gordon Brown is using his strategic thinking, he gets Labour and the Liberal Democrats in to bed together in Scotland, the Conservatives support to keep the SNP out, then Scotland is taking care of till the next election. Then he starts to get the support of middle England back, this will take time, he does have three years. Don't write Gordon Brown or Labour off yet, New Labour is not finished yet, it is up to Gordon Brown to show what political talents he has and if he can change the ship around in time for the next general election.
Bob Woodward on George Tenet
Bob Woodward reviews the new book by George Tenet, former Director of the CIA, in essence the Director had some success after 9/11 in Afghanistan but and here is the but failed pre 9/11 and failed over Iraq. VIEWS has not seen George Tenet's book but once he has read it will write his own views of the book.
Hindenburg 70th Anniversary of Crash
The destruction of the Hindenburg in 1937. A very interesting article by Fox News, read and be informed.
Iraq and Funding
It seems the fight for funding of the troops in Iraq will go on, neither side, President George W. Bush or the Democrats are about to blink, its the troops in the dug out that VIEWS feels sorry for they deserve better but politics is politics and American Politics can be harsh, and both sides want Iraq to be an issue for them in 2008.
The Edwardians - The Worst Journey in the World
Views thought he knew the Story of Captain Scott's Tragic Journey to the South Pole but the Journey of Apsley Cherry-Garrard, Dr Edward Wilson and 'Birdie' Bowers made you proud to be British. The Trip was pointless but the kind of British courage shown by the three is something you don't see today, it was wiped out in the First World War.
French Election
International Herald Tribune, Sarkozy to wing big and the politics of old France is like a dodo. Time waits for no man or country.
Bloomberg.com, Sarkozy also to win big, by 10 % in most of the last polls. The Bookies have Sarkozy winning, always follow the money VIEWS says, it will be Sarkozy.
London Times, French Women support Sarkozy over a Royal, could this be a message to Senator Clinton, don't assume you will get the female vote in the USA in 2008.
Bloomberg.com, Sarkozy also to win big, by 10 % in most of the last polls. The Bookies have Sarkozy winning, always follow the money VIEWS says, it will be Sarkozy.
London Times, French Women support Sarkozy over a Royal, could this be a message to Senator Clinton, don't assume you will get the female vote in the USA in 2008.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
The Edwardians - Miss Marie Lloyd
Elections come and go, but Stars and the Press/fans are the same from Rome in the classical period to film Stars of today, the Edwardians had Miss Marie Lloyd. VIEWS is looking forward to another gem from the Edwardian Season.
UK Elections
The SNP is the largest Party is the Scottish Parliament, 47 seats, Labour 46, Conservatives 17 and the LibDems 16. In the Welsh Assembly, Labour 26, Plaid Cymru 15, Conservatives 12 and the LibDems 6. Labour with the LibDems should run the Assembly for the next four years. The opposition parties don't have the political backbone to form a government without Labour.
Gordon Brown has done a vanishing act, and he is our next Prime Minister. The BBC could not even find him and the BBC has the Licence Fee. That's the problem when your a Scottish MP and your Country just might want a divorce from the rest of the UK.
More Debate Articles - The Republicans
Some interesting articles on the Republicans Presidential Race. VIEWS has not made up his mind on who he supports in the race, its only May 2007!!
Washington Post, on the whole the article is right in its analyses of the debate, no one became another Ronald Reagan, its only the first debate.
National Review , a look at the format and the how the Candidates matched each other, no real winner again.
Newsweek, the article is critical of the debate as there was no forward thinking in its view of the future for the Republicans.
Washington Post, on the whole the article is right in its analyses of the debate, no one became another Ronald Reagan, its only the first debate.
National Review , a look at the format and the how the Candidates matched each other, no real winner again.
Newsweek, the article is critical of the debate as there was no forward thinking in its view of the future for the Republicans.
Not a Reagan but then WHO?
The Republican field is minus one man of course that is President Ronald Reagan, Reagan was a man of his time but also a man who could see beyond, a man who said in 1976 when in discussion about the USSR, " We Win they lose " a man who could call the USSR an Evil Empire but could also stand in Red Square and state the Cold War was over in many respects, it was just a matter of working out the details. Reagan is gone but what he stood for, small government, low taxes, strong military, good relationship with allies but also take action when needed is a good road map for Republicans. The President who removed troops from Lebanon after a terrorist attack but then invaded another country that was falling to Cuban Communism, Reagan was pragmatic but also a risk taker, this is also a good road map for the Republicans. The Republican Party is looking for another Reagan, it still has time and some candidates have not entered the race so far, a week is a long time in politics.
Democrats Hole in One!!
The Democrats are playing games with the funding of American Troops, they think that 500 hundred law makers are better at strategy than the President and the Pentagon. It is a mistake on every level, military and political. The Democrats are caught in a fix, if they want to win in 2008 they have to fund the troops with no strings or President Bush will Veto any Bill. They don't have the Votes to overturn a Presidential Veto. On the other hand the Democratic Party is in hoc to the left wing and their money. Thus while good men and women die for their country the Democratic Party is more concerned with keeping the left wing happy, when did the Democratic Party lose its political ability it gained under President Bill Clinton. In pure politics Bill Clinton won in 1992 and 1996 by being in the centre, the Democratic Party is heading to the left, a pure political soul is good but winning that matters, the Democrats are reading the elections of 06 as their guide, bad political mistake, the United States is 50 states not just the Liberal States, if they are not careful the Democrats might be heading the way of the Labour Party in 1983. A pure political soul is good, but winning is all.
Friday, May 04, 2007
The New Reagan? Debate of Republican Candidates.
Here are some interesting articles on the Republican Debate: The Debate was held at the Ronald Reagan Library.
Gerald Baker of London Times, the debate more shopping centre and not that original.
National Review, a look at the candidates and the outcome.
The Politico, article has the view that Romney won the debate.
New York Daily News, McCain and Romney Up and Giuliani down. Its long road to 2008.
The Weekly Standard, McCain, Romney and Giuliani in the articles view did not damage themselves but threw no great political punches either. They all want to be the heir to Ronald Reagan.
Gerald Baker of London Times, the debate more shopping centre and not that original.
National Review, a look at the candidates and the outcome.
The Politico, article has the view that Romney won the debate.
New York Daily News, McCain and Romney Up and Giuliani down. Its long road to 2008.
The Weekly Standard, McCain, Romney and Giuliani in the articles view did not damage themselves but threw no great political punches either. They all want to be the heir to Ronald Reagan.
The Diaries of Ronald Reagan

Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library
1985 - Official Portrait
The public can know read the Diaries of Ronald Reagan, they are to be published in Vanity Fair and Book Form. They show a great President having to deal with Public and Private Issues in a thoughtful, humours and gracious manner. It shows how much the Media miss read the Great Communicator in and out of office. Read Excerpts via CNN.
Press Articles on the Reagan Diaries:
Washington Post, the diaries show what the President thought about Libya and its leader, Colonel Qaddafi and Israel and it actions in Lebanon in the early 1980s.
Washington Post, the diaries show what the President thought after being shot and his view of the Elite Media as they take up any critical book of the President.
Washington Post, Review of the Diary by Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post.
New York Times, an interesting Review but of course they seem obessed with Iran - Contra.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
The Edwardians, The Double of Life of Saki
Another gem from the Edwardian Season on the BBC, a look at the life of Hector Hugh Munro, Saki , what an interesting character and writer. VIEWS must admit he had not head of this writer before watching this drama documentary, but after seeing what a interesting and fun character he was but more important a very interesting writer, VIEWS is going to have a look at his work. VIEWS recommends to any reader of this blog to became Saki and learn and smile at us from the Edwardian to the present period.
New Era Blogs
Ian Dale's Diary, latest on the Labour political Campaign in the North of the Country, or not as the case may be at the present.
Guido , on the trail of Gordo our next Great Leader!
Guido , on the trail of Gordo our next Great Leader!
Its Gordon Says Tony
It seems that Tony Blair has thrown in the towel, it will be Gordon Brown as the next Prime Minister, a Scot while Scotland is going down the road to divorce, does Tony know something we don't or can he see the future, SNP in power in Scotland, moving for more power while England has a Scottish Prime Minister. Why does VIEWS think that Gordon Brown wont have ten years in power and that is what our Tony sees, three years then out either because Labour lose a General Election or because Scotland goes all the way down the road to divorce and thus Gordon Brown a Scottish MP would have to go, does Tony see the future and smile.
2008 Political Race
Some Interesting Articles on the 2008 Political Race for the White House.
Washington Post, the article looks at the pressure points within the Democratic Party, from the left and right and how Obama must manage them to win the Nomination and the election in 2008.
The New York Times, the article looks at the prospects of Fred Thompson running and his chances of winning.
Creators, Conservatives should look at Hillary Clinton in 2008 and think about voting for another Clinton to be President!! VIEWS is not there yet on this!
Washington Post, An article about Clinton's Pollster and his map for winning in 2008.
Obama Front Runner?
Rasmussen Reports, one of the best for polling has Obama ahead of Clinton for the first time in the 2008 race, 32 to 30. Lets recall its May 2007 not January 2008 we have a long time to go before this really matters beyond Political Geeks like VIEWS.
Tony Blair Future Plans
It is reported that Tony Blair will announce his future plans next week, after one of the worst political election routs Labour has had since the Foot Era if the polls are right. Gordon Brown will became PM and we will still be in Iraq, Thanks Tony!
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