The NIE (Adobe Reader Required) is interesting but hardly has anything new in it that those that follow this issue could not discuss it without its publication. As should be noted on P.3 the NIE states the following, ‘ Should al-Zarqawi continue to evade capture and scale back attacks against Muslims, we assess he could broaden his popular appeal and present a global threat. ‘ Zarqawi is of course dead, thus one has to ask the point to release a document that is old is the present circumstances of Iraq. Its timing and the selective leaks has more to with the Mid Term Elections than helping people decided their views on Iraq.
It has to be stated, that if this is the combined work of sixteen intelligence agencies, the American Government has a problem, we need something new, how al – Qa ‘ ida is been run at the moment by UBL, is he dead, the French seem to have better information or at least some information. How do we prevent Terrorist Cells forming or how do we get our people in to these Cells as prevent their development. How al – Qa ‘ ida is working with insurgents in Iraq, how to cause friction, how to cause them to fall apart, how to gain information on even smaller cells from around the World.
The NIE is interesting but lets hope the real interesting stuff is under cover, the New York Times is not the place to discuss policy disagreements that can cause the death of thousands, there are limits, lets put some journalists under pressure, drag them in Court, if they don’t release their sources, the slammer time, and real time not some comfort farm, we are at War, this is not Vietnam, and the LIBERALS better smell the coffee or the American people will never trust them will the Security of the United States.
It has to be stated, that if this is the combined work of sixteen intelligence agencies, the American Government has a problem, we need something new, how al – Qa ‘ ida is been run at the moment by UBL, is he dead, the French seem to have better information or at least some information. How do we prevent Terrorist Cells forming or how do we get our people in to these Cells as prevent their development. How al – Qa ‘ ida is working with insurgents in Iraq, how to cause friction, how to cause them to fall apart, how to gain information on even smaller cells from around the World.
The NIE is interesting but lets hope the real interesting stuff is under cover, the New York Times is not the place to discuss policy disagreements that can cause the death of thousands, there are limits, lets put some journalists under pressure, drag them in Court, if they don’t release their sources, the slammer time, and real time not some comfort farm, we are at War, this is not Vietnam, and the LIBERALS better smell the coffee or the American people will never trust them will the Security of the United States.