Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The LATEST on the Conservative and Labour Talks - Brexit Update 2 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

This will not go down well with a majority of MPs, they are opposed to a Customs Union as this runs counter to the Conservative Manifesto of 2017.   The article notes that there could even be a voted on a 2nd Referendum, any deal will be a seen as REMAINER telling the voters that they do not matter, that the political elite are more clever and understand the issues better, and the plebs should do as they are told by the political elite.   As it look we will have to stand in the European Parliamentary Elections the voters should vote for Parties that represent the will of the UK voter.   Those Parties should promise to make life as difficult as possible for the EU, make the EU regret the day the UK even came in to the EU.   The European Elections could allow the voters to send a clear message to the political elite, FOLLOW THE WILL of the UK voter or you are OUT OF OFFICE. 

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