Guardian Live Reporting: Reports on its 6.39pm post, " In three crucial states – Nevada, North Carolina and Ohio – the contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump remains extremely close, according to polling data released by CNN/ORC today...Voters were asked between 10 and 15 October which presidential candidate they support (the polls were conducted after the release of a video which showed Trump bragging about sexual assault). In Nevada, 46% of likely voters said they planned to back Clinton while 44% said they would support Trump. In North Carolina voters were split 48-47 in favor of Clinton, while in Ohio Clinton attracted only 44% of likely voters compared with Trump’s 48%. "
Lets Get Real:
IF I was the Clinton Camp I would be slightly worried, with the release of the sexual allegations against Trump the HRC Campaign should be miles ahead. One does have to wonder are the polls missing the Trump supporters, nearly ALL the polls have HRC ahead from 4% to 11%, are they ALL WRONG or is the method of sampling wrong, its a fair question. The HRC Campaign should act as if the election is a dead heat and go harder to attack Trump, the voters want a tough President, not a President that is quiet, the old allegations about the old hound dog are just that, OLD, this should not stop HRC going after Trump over these new allegations.