Sunday, May 27, 2018

Your Brexit Story for the Day - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This is  non story, the Government has placed funds in reserve in case the UK does not leave the EU in March 2019.   The funds would be used to run the Euro elections, if the UK is still in the EU.  A story like this is used to upset the loyal readers of the Telegraph, and get them worried over the bank holiday.  The UK is leaving the EU, it should stay in the Single Market and the Customs Union, that is best end for the UK.  Lady Thatcher supported the Single Market. 

The US and North Korean Summit - On Again? - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The above is the reason why there are Diplomats, this Summit might be historic, but is turning in to a farce.  Good diplomacy takes time, hours of work behind the PR junket for the press.  On whole the Summit could fall apart as both sides want different things, the US wants North Korea to give up its nuclear arsenal, while North Korea wants to do it in steps.  This blogger would not buy a ticket to Singapore on the present circumstances, there is chance that the Summit will take place, as long as both leaders are talking about the same thing. 

On/off/On Summit between the US and North Korea - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

To say that Trump Presidency is different would be a understatement of the year, the ON/OFF/ON Summit between the US and North Korea seems ON again.  This is down to the groundwork of South Korea, it wants a peaceful neighbour, and one that allows families to be united.  It is to early to say if the Summit will happen, it will be a great photo op for both the US and North Korea.