Thursday, April 13, 2023

US Leaker Found - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

How in the hell did a 21 year old get access  to top secret information that is seen by Senior Officers and the President, also how did the leaker know that the SAS was in the Ukraine.  This is treason, one hope's that Mr Teixeria has very expensive lawyer he can call.   The Leaker should be placed in a black hole, and feed bread and water when the Guards recall about him.  The leaker has placed the soldiers of the Ukraine in danger, helped the Russians, and made the West suspect the US security of not being safe.   The liberals will shout that he is young and it was attempt to impress his friends on line, that doe not matter, Treason is TREASON. The US Courts should come down HARD on the Traitor. 

How the Irish won their Independence, beating the Black and Tans at Rugby - Joe Biden - US Presidential Election 2024

Lets Get Real:

This should make Democrats have a serious chat if they want to defend this kind of mistakes over the next five and half years.  As the Guardian notes in the article, the gaff did not cause a diplomatic incident in Ireland, what if Biden had made the mistake in Belfast.  Also the Black and Tans has  a lot of WELSH TROOPS as part of their membership, could have caused an incident.   It is best to leave the past in the PAST.  The above mistake in the future could cause WW3, the Ukraine is brewing for the Ukraine offensive in the spring, also China could invade Taiwan at any minute.   The Oval needs a POTUS who doe not have these problems, Biden is no Reagan.