Thursday, March 30, 2023

Trump CHARGED in the US - 2024 Candidate/ Presidential Election 2024

Lets Get Real:

This is a massive mistake by the Democratic Prosecutor in New York, its the weakest CASE against Trump, this is what the former President wanted, he wants the mug shot and the perp walk, he wants the headlines in ALL THE PAPERSS and CNNN will cover it in detail, how a mighty New Network has fallen.   This charge could place Trump in the OVAL  OFFICEN in 2025.  This news will blow any future Republican candidate out of the water, and worse any candidate will have to be critical of the Democrats and the Prosecutor, the Prosecutor will be dragged before the US House Committee to explain his actions.  This is the first former President charged after leaving OFFICE, the hours and days this will take up, its not worth it, at its heart is a prosecutor traying to make his political bones, the cost to the US could be harsh, a President Trump, nothing is worth that cost. 

Russia OFFERS Food to North Korea in return for weapons - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

How the mighty have FALLEN, the Russians due to the Ukraine War are running out of weapons, and they have to offer a DEAL to North Korea, Moscow must have thought Ukraine the would be Austria 1938, the people would come out to streets to applaud, in fact they they come out to fight, and thus Russian and Putin are stuck in War that they cannot win and can not afford to lose, NATO has made the Ukraine the bridge that they will stand on, thus the West will carry on supporting the Kyiv Government in less Trump wins in 2024, that is a long time away, AND Putin needs a quick win, or his tenure as President might be under threat.   The US Navy should check any cargos going to Russia from Asia, the North Korea Regime needs the food for their starving people, its a ugly world, butter for weapons.