Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Alabama and Mississippi VOTERS

Vote Romney

Vote Unity

Vote to fight Obama

Vote for the US


41% Approval for POTUS - NYT/CBS

The New York Times: Reports on a new NYT/CBS Poll that has President Obama on 41% Approval, while 47% of Americans Disapprove of the Obama record. Yes folks this blog was surprised that the liberal NYT didn’t burry this poll, they covered for Stalin after all. But to be fair the article notes the reason for this major fall, and its major folks, the price the US motorist is paying for gas is going through the roof and on Foreign Policy you have Iran and Afghanistan. That the thing with polls you take what you want, thus kind reader if you’re a Obama fan you read the Gallup Poll, if not read this article, NEVER thought I would say that about the politics of the NYT. Interesting times folks.

49% Job Approval for POTUS - 2012 Race

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a 49% Approval rating, while 43% Disapprove of the Obama record. Thus folks you have to feel confident if your the Obama Chicago Re-Elect Committee, every month of late we have seen hundred of thousands of jobs being created in the US, the economy is growing, Wall Street is on a high, the Republicans seem to be going through an endless civil war, thus it looks good for the Oval.

Ending US/UK Combat Operations - Afghanistan

Guardian: Reports that President Obama and UK PM Cameron will agree on a “ tentative plans for British and US troops to end their "lead combat role" in Afghanistan ” half way through 2013. It is simple folks, the US President and UK PM see the Afghan Cliff and its heading their way, they don’t wan another Vietnam, but their options are limited by the fear that a Afghanistan without Western Forces will return to the Taliban and Al Qaeda, this would be a major threat to Western supporting Pakistan Government. At the end of the day Afghanistan is not the PRIZE, that real prize is a stable Pakistan. Also the US and the UK does not want to leave and find that it has another 9/11 few years down the line. If that happens these leaders will face the harsh judgement of history. Thus folks expect no real exit out of Afghanistan even after 2014, the costs of something going wrong are to high, also 2016 is a US Presidential Election year, politics and war folks, not something any politician really want to deal with in an election.

Afghanistan Exit and Obama - Afghan Front

BBC News: Reports that President Obama has stated that there will be no rush to the EXIT DOOR for Foreign troops after the recent Afghan Massacre by a US Special Forces Soldier. In other words POTUS doses not want to leave Afghanistan and find that the Taliban retake Kabul and support the Taliban of Pakistan against their own Government. If a nuclear armed Pakistan was to fall to the Taliban, a 2nd Obama term would be bloody nightmare, he would have Iran and Pakistan as a threat, the Indians would go bonkers and start a war to prevent the Taliban controlling a nuclear arsenal, the stakes are high when it comes to Afghanistan and Pakistan, perhaps the Obama has finally figured out that he is not the smartest guy in the room when in comes to Foreign Policy, as Vietnam fell LBJ, in way Nixon and Ford, so Afghanistan could become Obama’s Vietnam.