Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Will Conservative HARD REMAINERS join the Labour Defectors? - Post Brexit?

Lets Get Real:

It is the usual suspects here, this has blog has been clear before, but will restate it, an MPs does not owe his/her vote to anyone as stated by a well known Conservative writer, of course there is a BUT, a MPs needs people to knock on doors to get out the vote, to fill envelopes with campaign material, to keep the voters happy and to make sure he or her gets up to date information from the voters.  Thus the members of the local Conservative Association have to like their MP but also agree with him or her about their policy positions.  If the Association do not it can de-select the MPs, it is called local democracy.   If a MP is de-selected then he or she can stand as individual candidate as long as they pay the registration fee.   A MP should always vote his or her true feelings, but this politics, if you are not in the room, the House of Commons then who cares what you think, for that you need hardy foot soldiers who will go out in ALL weathers to knock on doors and to place campaign material around the Seat.   Democracy is very local, and when it comes to BREXIT, the people have decided in 2016, when a MP can not support the his or her Party and is out of favour with the local Association, then the MP can resign the Party Whip or form a new Party, that is called Democracy.  Politics is about give and take, MPs are not an elite god, who does not have to answer to the voters, they can go their own path, but do not expect blind followers, that is not Democracy. 

The SPLITS within the Labour Party - Post Brexit?

Lets Get Real:

Subjective:  As a true blue Conservative this blog would be very happy to see the Labour Party split, it would mean we would have more years in power.   Labour MPs who supported Tony Blair must be appalled to see their Party being taken over by the LEFT WING.   They have kept their silence, they have tried to fight from within inside the Party, but the Party has left them.  One has to feel sorry but also respect for the seven who have resigned the Labour Whip, it must have been HARD, but it was the right thing to do, if you can not support the LEADER, then it is time move on. 

Objective:  This new group needs to form a Party and quick, they have to be on social media, get a web page going, when this blog tried the new page by the new group it was told by its firewall that there was a problem with it, so first thing the group needs to do is FIX its website, make it sure it is secure, people will not give money to support the new group if the website is not secure.   The new group needs a LEADER, one with charisma, who can attract supporters and money.   On a whole a good start for this new group/party. 

Will Labour SPLIT APART ? - Post Brexit?

Lets Get Real:

The question will other Labour MPs leave the Labour Party, one would think that they would wait in till PM May brings back her new BREXIT deal, and to see how Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn reacts.  Of course a few hard remainers from the Conservative Party could also defect, it would not be a shock.   As to the future of this new group, they are lucky, they can use social media to drum up support, the downside is that they need time, thus if Labour brings another No Confidence vote they might have to not vote or vote with the Government.  It can be expected that they will call for another Brexit vote, in this they could be supported by the Speaker, the Labour Leader can not risk losing those Labour MPs that support Brexit, thus it can be postulated that Corbyn will try not to have a policy.    UK politics just got very interesting, the MPs who have split might have a major impact or their political careers could end with the next general election, it will depend on the voters.