Wednesday, January 17, 2024

After Trump's big win in Iowa, he is tied with Haley in NH -New Poll - 2024 Candidate/General Election 2024

Lets Get Real:

The Trump will have a fit once he sees this poll, CNN has been supporting Haley since the start, so called liberal media want the WORSE for the Republican Party, they are afraid of 2nd Trump term, as they should be, Trump is a THREAT to the US and Western security, so expect a lot of praise for Haley, let's recalled she was the Governor who who took down the Confederate Flag in her State, also she is from Indian heritage, but said today that the US is not a racist Country, she should really thank LBJ for his Great Society and civil rights laws of the 1960s.  Thus far this blog is supporting Governor Haley, she is the only one that can beat Trump and Biden.