Friday, August 26, 2011

VP Cheney wanted to STRIKE Syria

The New York Times: Reports on the memoir of VP Cheney, it has the news that Cheney wanted the US to strike Syria over its building of nuclear facilities. The review is your typical left wing media attack on Cheney, from the lack of action pre 9/11, the anti terrorist polices of the War on Terror, the failure to find Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. But what is interesting is the news in the memoir that VP Cheney wanted the US to hit the nuclear facilities of Syria, in the end the action was taken by Israel. Good for Israel folks. The book should be interesting folks, VP Cheney was one of the most powerful VP’s in US history.

Rebels vs. Gaddafi Security Forces

Telegraph Live: Reports that forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi counter attacked close the Rixos Hotel this morning. This is the problem folks, the longer the Western rebels don’t arrest or kill the Gaddafi security forces the more secure they get that they can carry on a urban insurgency against the new Libyan Government. The failure to arrest or kill the last holds out explains the present problems in Afghanistan and Iraq, also if the Gaddafi’s can hold on to tows it allows them to build up their forces and counter attack, how long will NATO hang around if this Civil War goes on for years, thus the need for the UK and US Special Forces to clean up the opposition.

Sirte Bombed - Libyan Front Line

BBC News: Reports that NATO has used UK bunker busting bombs to bomb the birth place of Colonel Gaddafi. As Colonel Gaddafi is on the run, still believed to be in Tripoli, NATO is going after locations still loyal to Colonel Gaddafi, NATO might get lucky and bomb a bunker that includes Colonel Gaddafi. For the Libyan operation to be considered a success Colonel Gaddafi and his sons either have to be arrested and sent to trial or killed, otherwise the Libyan operation will never be over, the Gaddafi’s over time could develop a urban insurgent movement.