Saturday, July 31, 2021

Is Afghanistan close to the EDGE - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports " The situation is fluid but Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand Province where many US and British soldiers lost their lives, looks the most vulnerable right now.  "

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Biden OVAL will argue its following the same policy as Trump when it comes to Afghanistan, that is getting the hell out.  The problem is that Biden who was around in 1975 and in the Senate and saw the US need helicopters to take its personnel out of Vietnam, in 2021 Biden is President and was warned that taking US troops out of Afghanistan was a MISTKE, as with most of the Biden record, he didn't listen, he supported the nuclear freeze in the 1980s that would have helped the USSR.  President Reagan was highly critical of Biden in his diaries, one can see the reason now.  Once Biden said that the US was out of Afghanistan, he was followed by the allies of the US, thus the UK also removed its troops.  Thus should Kabul fall and the Taliban place their extreme ISLAMIC LAW in to practice, every crime committed by the Taliban will be the FAULT of Joe Biden, there will be nowhere to hide, and he will be very lucky not to lose the House and Senate in 2022 and the Oval in 2024. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

US warns Iran that time is running out on Obama Nuclear Deal - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus this is a clear warning for the US Secretary of State, let's hope that the Secretary is backed by his boss, the President, one only has to recall that while Secretary John F. Kerry was on his warm drums over Syria, his feet were cut from under him by President Obama.  The question that the Biden Administration has to ask, what if IRAN says NO, what if the US has to deal with Iran that is more tougher and is takes on the US, the weakness of Biden in Afghanistan and Iraq shows that Biden is a empty suit, will he follow through on any military action if Iran rushes for the bomb, time will tell.  Also Israel will never allow Iran to become a nuclear armed power, either the US hits or Israel does, we shall see what outcomes happens, diplomacy or WAR. 

New Doctor Who in 2022 - Arts

Lets Get Real:

The good Doctor does tend to regenerate after three seasons, being the Doctor is a big job, its like the Captain's chair on the Enterprise, there have been 13 Doctors, thus we await who will be the 14th.   The Whovian fan base is very mercurial, we will be thinking its sad that Ms Whittaker is leaving, but after the new Doctor takes over we will say Jodie WHO!! Thus the fan as is the Doctor is very mercurial, but we do remember, even after 50 year, most who fans can name all the Doctors and even their assistants, every fan has his or her Doctor, for this fan its the 5th Doctor, this blog its younger days was not much for Sunday School, but tried to be the Doctor, minus the Tardis and the brain!!   One also has to say that the 10th Doctor is held in great affection by this blog and by many fans.  It's is a pity that Jodie Whittaker is leaving, she really was the Doctor, but never had a romantic interest, that would get complicated with future Doctors, and Doctor Who is not a soap opera, it has all of time and space to travel.  Thus forward with the 13th Doctor, new adventures for this year and next year. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Big WIN for Biden on the HILL - Biden Era

The White House: Statement by President Biden on the Infrastructure Deal agreed by Republicans and Democrats, " I am pleased to join a bipartisan group of United States Senators and announce our deal to make the most significant long-term investment in our infrastructure and competitiveness in nearly a century...I want to thank the bipartisan group for working together and the committee chairs for raising their ideas and concerns with me, Vice President Harris, and members of the Cabinet...This deal signals to the world that our democracy can function, deliver, and do big things. As we did with the transcontinental railroad and the interstate highway, we will once again transform America and propel us into the future...This deal makes key investments to put people to work all across the country—in cities, small towns, rural communities, and across our coastlines and plains...It will put Americans to work in good-paying, union jobs repairing our roads and bridges. It will put plumbers and pipefitters to work replacing all of the nation’s lead water pipes so every child and every American can turn on the faucet at home or school and drink clean water—including in low-income communities and communities of color that have been disproportionally affected by dangerous lead pipes...Americans will build transmission lines and upgrade our power grid to be more resilient and cleaner. Americans will strengthen our infrastructure, like our levees, in the face of extreme weather like superstorms, wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, and heat waves.....American workers will make a historic investment to install the first-ever national network electric vehicle charging stations and undertake critical environmental clean-ups...This bipartisan deal is the most important investment in public transit in American history and the most important investment in rail since the creation of Amtrak 50 years ago. It will deliver high speed internet to every American...And, we’re going to do it without raising taxes by one cent on people making less than $400,000 a year—no gas tax increase and no fee on electric vehicles...This agreement will help ensure that America can compete in the global economy just when we are in a race with China and the rest of the world for the 21st Century...And, it comes at a critical time. We are emerging from this pandemic with an economy that is back from the brink. We are seeing the fastest job growth on record. We are experiencing the fastest economic growth in nearly four decades...Everyone from unions to business leaders and economists left, right, and center believe the public investments in this deal will mean more jobs, higher productivity, and higher growth for our economy over the long term. Experts believe that the majority of the deal’s benefits will flow to working families...Of course, neither side got everything they wanted in this deal. But that’s what it means to compromise and forge consensus—the heart of democracy. As the deal goes to the entire Senate, there is still plenty of work ahead to bring this home. There will be disagreements to resolve and more compromise to forge along the way.. But the bottom line is—the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal is a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America that will help make our historic economic recovery a historic long-term boom.  "

Lets Get Real:

This is a BIG WIN for Biden, the real problem comes with his other big idea, that costs 3.5 Trillion and that is not big enough for the extreme left.  Even more moderate Democrats have stated that they oppose it, we shall see if they have the courage to face down the more left wing House.  That is a future fight, as noted this is a big spending bill, what is surprising is that Republicans on the whole have gone along with this idea, the pandemic makes strange political bedfellows, and it can be argued that the US needs this kind of massive government action, they face stiff competition from China for the leadership role in the 21st Century.  A time for Biden to celebrate, this working across party lines goes down well with the voters, should help the Democrats in the 2022 Mid Terms. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Afghanistan and Iraq - The Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus another MISTAKE by POTUS, he has withdrawn US troops from Afghanistan but the US is still using US air power to protect the forces of the Government of Afghanistan, what happens if they can not get there in time, US Air Forces have also withdrawn from Afghanistan, thus they have to use local bases of friendly countries or use their Air Craft Carries, its not like having planes on the ground.   With Iraq POTUS is making the same mistake as President Obama, he withdrew US forces from Iraq in 2011 and Daesh came close to taking over the Country, the US had to send in new forces to protect Iraq.   What is stop the various terrorist groups supporting Daesh in Iraq and thus giving them bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, also it add to the power of Iran in the area.  POTUS is a disaster when it comes to foreign policy, the get out of US troops shows America's enemies that the US can not stay the course.   This will cause trouble down the road, it always does. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Northern Ireland Sausages - Northern Ireland Protocol - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The UK Government should take a FIRM STAND with the EU, the Brussels EU is trying to hold the UK to EU standards, the UK should say NO and not threaten Article 16 but invoke it, thus something bought and sold in London can be sent direct to Belfast without any EU supervision.  The EU is like the old Austrian - Hungarian Empire, the States want their Sovereignty back, the Eastern States did not get rid of the USSR whip to be bought under the EU whip.  The EU has to change or will die, either it becomes a SUPER STATE, with Brussels at the centre or it fades over time.  PM Boris should pull the plug on the Northern Ireland Protocol it is doing harm to the province, and the province is part of the UK. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Memoirs of Edward VIII, the Duke of Windsor vs Prince Harry - Royal News

Lets Get Real:

There are many similarities between Edward VIII, the Duke of Windsor  and Prince Harry, they youth were effected by on the Duke's part a strict Victorian up bringing, while Prince Harry saw his parents divorce, and his mother lose here HRH on her divorce, the Duke of Windsor was a playboy in the 1920s, while Prince got himself to one scrape after another, William is seen as the stable one.  On the other hand both Edward and Harry served their Countries during a time of WAR, Edward was in France, he was kept from anything really dangerous, while Harry went to Afghanistan twice, once on the ground and then in the air.   Then both meet Americans, who have been divorced, Edward needed Mrs Simpson, while Harry sees to need the backbone of his wife, Meghan Markle.  The Duke of Windsor was furious that his wife was not given the title of HRH, it seems about time that the Queen removed that from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, they have to be shown that no one is bigger than the firm.

The Files, The Files Part 2 - Tony Blair Era - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The question that has to be asked, was where were the press, the British press on the whole gave the first Labour Administration a FREE PASS, the fact that Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were at war came out much later, and it was only the IRAQ war that broke the thumb over the Blair Government over the press.  One wonders if any of the above will be reported by the liberal left wing press, that includes BBC News, not their web page, Sky News not their web page, Channel four, Guardian, and of course the Times, that paper has gone very LEFT WING, it can not stand Boris and Brexit supporters.  At least some of the web pages have the story. 

The Files, The Files - Tony Blair Era - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

To think in the modern day a message of this importance was signed off by a No 10 official, without the PM writing or approving it, this shows why we ended up sofa government of the Blair Era and the mess of Iraq.  It has been nearly 24 years since the massive landslide of the Blair first Government.  The real interesting files will come later, IRAQ, AFGHNAISTAN, were there any worries about the economy around 2007 and why didn't Blair or Brown see the sub prime market going down the toilet.  It always comes down to the files, the real hidden truth of Government. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The RIGHT to Vote in the US - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This is a power grab by Democrats, they want elections to last all year around, a couple of weeks before election becomes a couple of months.  The US Supreme Court has made it clear that STATES decide the process for election, of course the Democrats are going to cry foul, they think only Democratic votes should count ALL the time.   Of course the Republicans are not doing this based on sound ideology, they have fallen for the lie that Former President Trump is spouting, that he was robbed in 2020. Biden won the election fair and square but he has been drafted by the LEFT of his party to push for a constant Democratic victory.  The right to vote is not the question, its the manner of voting, and that is up to the States. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Charity starts at home - Part 2 - Overseas Aid - Post Covid - 19

Lets Get Real:

The BBC/Guardian/Channel 4 news will run with this story, they will get the various charities on, and say how much death and destruction will be caused by the cutting of overseas aid.  What these reporters will not do is show how much the UK has spent on the pandemic, the PM stated it was 407 billion and its not finished yet.  The UK economy has been in a coma for over 12 months, the UK Government has spent billions on furlough as to allow workers to keep their jobs.  At some point this has to be paid back, the Fat Lady is singing and she wants her money back.   The Conservative Government has done more for the working class than Labour has ever done with the exception of the NHS.  Also the Labour Party is on the wrong side of the polls when it comes to this issue, care about home first, then spend when you have the money. 

Charity starts at HOME - UK overseas aid Cut - After Covid 19

BBC News: Reports " The government has won a Commons vote to lock in cuts to spending on overseas aid, despite a rebellion by Tory MPs.  "

Lets Get Real:

The Conservative Government had promised tax hikes if the Conservative Party MPs did not vote to confirm the reduction in overseas aid, that was something no real Conservative MP could vote for, if the Tories are about anything it is about TAX CUTS, not TAX HIKES.   Also the PM stated the Government has spent 407 billion on protecting the UK population from the economic effects of COVID - 19.   At some point this has to be paid back, the Conservative Party is about keeping the economy in the black and not in the red.   Thus the 25 MPs who voted with Labour need a real talk with their local Conservative Association, the Chief Whip should give them call, these chairmen and women should remind their errant MPs that they need to be selected for the next general election and thus should get back in line. 


Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Northern Ireland Protocol is the FAULT of former PM May - Lord Frost - After Brexit

Lets Get Real:

Thus the BLAME games starts, the Johnson Government should rip up the withdrawal agreement, end the Northern Ireland Protocol and not pay the 40 billion demand by the EU as a divorce settlement.  PM Boris should blame former Prime Minister Theresa May, she has not been loyal to the new Government in the House of Commons, thus the PM should walk away from the WITHDRAWAL AGREEMENT and blame the mess on the disastrous Premiership of May.  This move would be supported by the British voter, we have had enough of the EU and their demands, let's walk away and stand alone, it what we do best.   The move would floor Labour, they would not know witch way to turn, and will lead to the Conservatives winning the next general election.   

Biden the Empty Suit when it comes to cyberwarfare - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The first Summit between Biden and Putin showed the Russian President that Biden was an empty suit, he will not follow through with a counter cyber attack on the Russians.  The problem is one assumes that the Russians are behind US when it comes to technology and any attack on Russian cyber network might lead to World War 3.  Thus the US can expect more cyber attacks from Russian criminals or the Russian State.   Modern Russia is no longer a SUPER POWER, but that has not stopped Putin acting like one, from Crimea to East Ukraine and the cyber attacks on US companies, the new cold war 11 is going to get more heated, in till either Putin wins or is removed by the Russian people.   The Russian people are the hostages of Putin, and he has no morals, he will do whatever he has to stay in power, he is former KGB and that is his soul.

Thursday, July 08, 2021

The UK withdrawal from Afghanistan - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

One has to ask did Tony Blair think after 9/11 that the UK and the US would still be in Afghanistan twenty years later, and if he had known that would have gone along with the invasion and then invaded Iraq.  Biden is making a BIG MISTAKE when it comes to Afghanistan, the terror groups can come back, and what happens if there is another 9/11 and it was planned in Afghanistan.   The Biden Oval cannot hide under his desk, this would be merely be adding to the mistakes of Joe Biden, a man who never been right about foreign policy in forty years, the Gipper was highly critical of Biden in his diaries, after Trump the US was looking for a normal President, and what it got was Joe Biden, I guess the US was never going to be as lucky as to get another Reagan, sad day for Afghanistan and the US. 

The Future of the Northern Ireland Protocol - Post Brexit - Boris Era

BBC News: Reports " The government will publish its plans for the future of the NI Protocol in the next fortnight, before Parliament rises for the summer recess.  "

Lets Get Real:

The EU is playing for TIME, they will never give concessions that will be happy for the Unionist supporters in Norther Ireland, any such action would offend Ireland and the nationalist sentiment in the province.  The UK Government has to be brave, invoke Article 16, ,this would suspend the Northern Ireland Protocol, the UK will not place a border in Northern Ireland, and the Republic wont on its side, thus the EU will be left with no choice by to accept the reality of the facts on the ground, GO BORIS! 

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

The COST of the WAR in Afghanistan - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports " According to a Brown University study in 2019, which has looked at war spending in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, the US had spent around $978bn (their estimate also includes money allocated for the 2020 fiscal year). "

Lets Get Real:

At the end of the day it has to be asked was the Afghan War worth the effort in deaths and the money spent on it, the answer with the withdrawal of the US in 2021 is that it was not worth the deaths from the Allied military to the people of Afghanistan.   It has been postulated that the Kabul Government will FALL in six months, will Biden give the green light for the US Air Force to support the Government with planes and drones, or will hide behind his desk as women and girls are banned from education, women are stoned to death of they commit adultery and people whipped for crimes that are not seen as crimes in the West, listening to music, having a TV, you get the idea.   If Afghanistan goes in to civil war it will be the fault of the Biden Oval, another Biden mistake. 

Monday, July 05, 2021

The Western THREAT to the Taliban and other Terror groups in Afghanistan - Afghanistan War

Lets Get Real:

Thus the UK will return to previous Imperial methods of dealing with the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Daesh.  Of course one suspects that the SAS and Delta Force will be on the ground, just checking to see what is going on and taking action when needed.  One can assume that terrorist groups will return to Afghanistan, the Taliban are already saying that they pushed the US out, that they represent the real Afghanistan.   Some Taliban might even believe that kind of rubbish. The people of Afghanistan will face a terrible fate, no Western culture, no schools for girls, public executions, Islamic Law only.  One can see the refugees already! Poor Afghanistan.   The RAF and the US Air Force will have a busy time of it, if this blog is right. 

The FAILURE of the WEST in Afghanistan - The WAR in AFGHANISTAN - Graveyard of Empires

BBC News: Reports " Afghanistan: Soldiers flee to Tajikistan after Taliban clashes "

Lets Get Real:

The above was the predictable outcome, the West has gotten tired of Afghanistan, the deaths of Western troops and the cost during a pandemic.  Afghanistan is known as the graveyard of Empires, the British Empire was here, so was the USSR and now the US and its Allies.  Afghanistan is a HARD PLACE TO keep stable and the Countryside and mountains help opposition forces, its a nightmare without end for the people of Afghanistan, women, girls will find that they are suppressed under the Taliban, people will be executed in public, Western culture will be abolished.   Then we come to the bad outcome for the West, Al Qaeda will be back, also Daesh, God knows who else.  Thus the West will be back in Afghanistan, one way or another, most likely by drones or planes, returning to the policy of the British Empire, if you see people you think are suspect you kill them with a bomb or a drone.