Monday, February 03, 2020

Kerry NOT RUNNING in 2020 - Iowa Part 4 - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The thought that Kerry would run shows how nervous the Democratic Establishment is about a Sanders nomination.  Let's speculate that HRC decides to run again, she won the popular vote in 2016 and has been stuck with nothing to do since 2016, as in elected office, she and Bill must be going mad, politics and Clintons go together like tea and milk.  It can be argued that HRC has the right to run again, she actually BEAT Trump in votes, and thus it would be only fair to give her chance to beat him in 2020.   The chances of that happening are ZERO, the Democratic candidates would not take kindly to a Clinton run again, it is seen that she blew her chances in 2008 and 2016, there are no third acts in American politics. 

Kerry of 2004 looking for another run as POTUS - Iowa 2020 - Part3 - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

Thus former Senator, former Secretary of State John F. Kerry is thinking of another run for the Oval Office, he tried that in 2004 against Bush 43 and failed, the Democratic Establishment is better at looking for Mayor Bloomberg to run for the Oval as  their nominee, he has the money, he is a billionaire, and might have a fighting chance against POTUS.  If the Democratic Party goes left wards it might make the base happy but it could cost the Party the Oval, the House and the Senate.   There is no way in hell that a majority of Americans will vote for the socialist Sanders, he is not even a registered Democrat.   One can only hope that Biden pulls off a shock victory in Iowa and New Hampshire. 

Iowa Part 2 - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

It has been reported that former President Barack Obama will come out in opposition to Sanders if it looks like he will be the nominee, the Democratic Establishment know that a Socialist Democratic Nominee would be a disaster for the Democratic Party from the Presidential level down the ticket.   One does not see Sanders making a good impression in the fly over States, the States that voted for Trump in 2016.  Also Obama would feel that if the Democratic voters reject Biden they are rejecting his type of Democratic Party.   At least CNN can stop covering the impeachment after Wednesday and go back to its pro Democratic move, they bet so much on the Mueller Report and the US Senate trial, and in the end got nothing but a basting in the ratings. 

It's Iowa Caucuses TIME - US Election 2020

Let's give BREXIT a brake for a bit, let's have some fun with US politics:

Lets Get Real:

The latest polls this blog saw had Senator Sanders winning Iowa and New Hampshire, we shall see if the polls get this race right, or are they a bit iffy like in 2016.  It can be postulated that Biden needs a win in Iowa and NH, if he loses both and comes in third or fourth then the election might be over for the former Vice - President.  On the other hand if he bucks the trend and wins Iowa and NH then the nomination could be his for the asking.  While a Sanders win would confirm the left ward move of the Democratic Party.  If Mayor Pete can pull surprise a victory then he could be the moderate to take on Sanders.   The problem is that Mayor Pete has a problem with black voters, in S.C in one poll he has ZERO black support, that would be a problem.  It promises to be a LONG NIGHT, on Tuesday we have the State of the Union and on Wednesday the President will be found NOT GUILTY by the US Senate.  Not a slow news week.