Saturday, November 03, 2007

Provisional Constitution for Pakistan

Washington Post: Reports that a Provisional Constitution has been declared by the Government. This move does not look like a time limited move by the government. It would be interesting to know if in private the USA was that unhappy about the move, we shall see over the next few hours and days.

Further on Pakistan

New York Times: Reports that on the public front the USA thought than a decree of emergency rule was not a good idea and this could cause problems between Pakistan and the West. If the Emergency Rule can bring some peace to Pakistan and prevent terrorist attacks for a limited period it might be a good idea. No this is not a call for the suspension of Democracy but sometimes in drastic circumstances these orders have to be given. Pakistan has the bomb!!

Pakistan Emergency Rule

BBC: Reports that Emergency Rule had been announced in Pakistan. This is a problem for the Western Security, Pakistan is a very important ally in the War against Terror and also even more important it has the bomb. Should the Government fall and a Terrorist supporting Government come in to power Western Security would be under threat from that moment. There is a time for Democracy but sometimes under very exceptional circumstances one man rule is preferred.

NYT and Terror

New York Times: The paper is less than impressed that the nominee for Attorney General will in all likely hood get confirmation due in no small part that two Democrats who will vote for him. Reading between the lines the papers is not happy, that's so sad!

Liberal Madness

The Nation: The Bible of the American left wants to impeach the Bush Administration. Read this article and understand why the Republicans just might win the White House in 2008.