Sunday, October 28, 2007

Dead then Publish

U.S News & World Report: The Private Thoughts of President Gerald R. Ford that he wanted published after his death. The author was on Meet the Press today, Ford had a critical view of President Ronald Reagan. But as with all things there is context, after President Reagan announced his illness Ford did not say a negative thing about the President. The context of this critical view has its origins back in the 1970s. In 1976 Ford ran for election in his own right, but he was opposed by Ronald Reagan, Ford was successful in the early rounds but Reagan being Reagan would not give up and started to catch up with Ford in later rounds of the election process. In the end Ford won but it was small win, the Reagan speech at the convention showed the Party had picked the wrong man. The Ford Camp thought Reagan had not done enough to support the President in the General Election with Jimmy Carter. The election of 1976 was very close, few points, Ford lost. In 1980 Reagan thought about putting Ford on the ticked as Vice - President, but in a political mistake Ford went on air and stated what was his price to be on the ticket. He wanted to be co - president, Reagan was not amused and picked George Bush and the rest is history. Today all the Republicans want to be Ronald Reagan, even Obama has a good things to say about Reagan, Reagan was a great, even Bush 43 wants to be considered a Reagan President not his father. If your Ford that can be very hard to take, no matter how nice you are, you want to be considered great if your a President of the United States.

Iran, Liberals and the Truth

Chicago Sun - Times: The first line tells you all you need to know, "Americans don't want to be tricked into another unjustified, unvetted war. " The Elite Media is in Appeasement mode with Iran. The Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Sun - Times, who else, what a shame for American Press Intelligence.

Is Obama Tough Enough to Be POTUS

New York Times: One thing about Ronald Reagan he won, and he won big, you can be nice to those in your Party after you win. Interesting article in the NYT on the campaign of Senator Obama. The Senator is going to up his game, take Hillary Clinton on, it seems that he failed to learn a very important lesson, Bill and in some respects Hillary Clinton are very good, not great but good at winning elections. The NYT writes the following, "........amid growing signs that Mr. Obama was looking for a fresh start for his campaign after nine months in which his aides said they were startled by the effectiveness of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, and worried that her support was not as brittle as they had once believed. " Well its nearly November and Iowa votes are less than 12 weeks away, so if Obama wants to win, starting being tough now, be in Iowa 24/7, became a Resident of the place if need be, as long as he wins or its over.

Liberals and Iran

Washington Post: Another article that could be written by the Howard Dean and that's not a compliment. Why do the Elite Papers have an aversion to the truth of International Politics, they take comfort from words of peace for Iran that have been used for years to play out a process that leads to a nuclear armed Iran. The WP should know better, Iran will use the weakness of Liberals in the USA to play out a long game and when its to late announce that it has a the bomb. Israel will not allow this then we just might have WW3. The Elite Media should be stronger it should be tough on Iran, not fall for a slight scraps of peace which are an illusion. The attack is coming on Iran, WP GROW UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE DON'T BECAME THE NEW YORK TIMES.

Iraq Planning

BBC: The BBC having a go at Tony Blair for post war planning in Iraq. There is one Iron Rule of warfare, a military plan does not survive the first shot. Grow Up BBC and look at your self when it comes to planning or lack of planning with your Budget.