Monday, February 26, 2024

Sweden JOINS NATO - Ukraine - Russia War - New Cold War 2 - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The invasion of the Ukraine by Russia has forced Finland and Sweden to join NATO for their own protection, this is not what Russia wanted, the very action that Putin wanted to avoid has happened, NATO has grown stronger and will feed Ukraine with ammo, the Ukraine  Army needs more ammo, its fighting power had been reduced by the lack of new ammo from the West and the US. The Russians have endless manpower, the Germans found that OUT in World War 2, the Russians had thought they had a deal with Nazi Germany, Hitler invaded in 1941, and nearly got to Moscow, if the Russians had waited and joined the Western Allies, the history of the period could been very different. Putin is another Hitler, has to be STOPPED in the Ukraine.

Vote Haley in Michigan - VOTE 2024 - 2024 Candidates/General Election 2024

South Carolina FAILED to stop Trump

Michigan has the chance to SPEAK truth to POWER

Vote Haley for the Republican Nomination and Leadership
The Ukraine and Israel needs to YOU to do the right thing


The Party of Reagan has to come back, vote Haley