Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Iranian hostsges praise Carter - Trump47

Guardian: Reports on how former US hostages held for 444 days praise former President Carter for his handling of the Crisis.

Lets Get Real:

One understands the need to show respect for a DEAD US President, but let's get real, Carter was a failed one term President, the Iranian hostages held for 444 days, the failed rescue attempt, the invasion of Afghanistan by the then USSR.  The bad economy, inflation, being nice does not cut it, let's deal with the real world, Reagan was a great President, Carter was deeply flawed and out of his depth, always see the real world reader.

POTUS thinks he could have beaten Trump45- Trump47

USAToday: Reports that President Biden thinks he could have beaten President -Elect Trump in November.

Lets Get Real:

The White House staff either did not show him the polls or POTUS is delusional, not sure on this subject what is worse, staff that deceived POTUS or that Biden is out to lunch while still President!  Whatever you might say about Trump, and a lot has been said, he has more energy than Biden, at least Trump has only four years, well really two years with the coming Mid Terms in 2026, and the Democrats taking the House again, Impeachment again!!  Then the Candidates for 2028, if we avoid WW3.