Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lighter Side of Politics!

The New York Times: Reports on the cock up agent that is Senator Joe Biden. In a long line of mistakes, Biden has admitted that Hillary Clinton might have been a better choice for Obama. Governor Palin should take these mistakes as red herrings, the Obama Campaign might be trying to set the Governor up for the Vice Presidential Debates, Governor Palin should treat Biden as a great white shark, she has to be tough and be ready for the Debates.


BBC News: Reports on the anniversary of 9/11. This one event has defined a generation, from this we have seen the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the hunt for terrorists and how the civic public have come to accept if not the left wing, that a kind of torture has to be used to protect those that want to have freedom. The mere fact that we will accept torture shows how why the civic society hates UBL and his terrorist group. It is hard to think that pre - 9/11 that people would accept the need for extreme methods to deal with terrorists, now we want Jack Bauer out there doing what has to be done, a country has to get its hands dirty to protect civic society.

Death in Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports on the death of another British Soldier. The toll of the dead now stands at 118. How long and what for is the question, no Army for good or ill has manged in Afghanistan. Pakistan is a heaven for the terrorists, they can attack in Afghanistan and scuttle back over the border to Pakistan. The Badlands of the Pakistan and Afghanistan border has to be dealt with, we have to win or get out.

Men and Women, Love and Hate !

The Times: Reports on the attempt by Alfred Hitchcock to destroy the career of one of his leading ladies. It seems from great Directors to present day politicians, that men can not stand Independent women, I wonder if Senator Obama would have used the lipstick attack on Governor Palin if he had been a man, it has to be asked, racism or sexism has no reason to exist in American Politics.

McCain Surge at HOME

The New York Times: Reports on the large crowd that turned up in Virgina to hear McCain/Palin. The Liberal New York Times must have their knickers in a twist, they are so in the tank for Obama that the thought of a McCain win would send them over edge, yes they might start to act like the Old Newspaper of Record.