Monday, February 05, 2024

POTUS on the NEWS that King Charles III has CANCER - King Charles III Era

Lets Get Real:

This was shocking news, King Charles has not been long been King, at least the King can carry on with is desk work, sign laws by giving the Royal Assent and seeing the PM.  It would have been a shock to active man like the King, the rest of the Royal Family will have to take up the slack, some good news is the that the Duke of Sussex is coming home to see his father, he could stay a few months to help the work load. The SPARE could be of some use at last, one should not forget that he served is Country with HONOUR in Afghanistan, well the family is calling NOW.  One sends one sympathy to the King at this fraught time and to the rest of the family.  The modern medicine of the WEST should be able to fight the Cancer.  GOD SAVE THE KING.