Thursday, February 08, 2018

Bush 43 and the Russians - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

There is no love lost between Bush 43 and POTUS, the President has been highly critical of Bush 43 for Iraq and prevented Jeb Bush from becoming the Republican nominee.   The former President is right, there is evidence that Russia played a hand in the 2016 election, it is open to question if they changed any votes or caused the electoral machines to create false votes.   The Former President also support immigration, while the present POTUS it can be argued is a racist and women do not get much support either.   The Trump Oval will not be happy about the above comments, he will attack with the wrong intelligence on IRAQ in 2003.  It has been noted that the polls have gotten better for Bush 43 since he left the White House 2009. 

David Davies - Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

AS stated by this blog, the EU is playing HARDBALL, this can be show by the above and the following in the article,It came amid mounting frustration at the lack of progress in Brexit negotiations. The European Union cancelled several meetings with British negotiators this week and is not holding any next week.  "  The EU wants to keep the talks as close at possible to the end, as it allows them to say , take or leave it, the EU should not be surprised if the UK walks out.   The UK will not be pushed around, we are not France etc, the UK is a great power and had an Empire, the EU is for the elites, time for the UK to walk away, any deal would favour the EU, the UK has walked away from more in the past. 

Brexit Secretary on EU punishment for the UK - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The EU is playing HARDBALL, while the UK is playing rounders, the EU wants to make the UK leaving the EU the hardest thing possible, they want to place fear in the minds of EU voters that they can not leave the EU without a COST.   The UK has to be tough back, states that if the EU wants to play such games, the UK will cut a billion back from the divorce settlement.   The French and Germans control EU, they should be made aware that the UK could place tariff on goods coming from these countries.   TIME FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO PLAY RUGBY THE HARD WAY!!

Conservatives have a 4% lead over Labour - May Era

Lets Get Real:

This is good news for the Conservative Party, even with all the divisions the Party is still ahead of Corby's Labour Party.   The article does stress that the Conservative HQ expects to lose a lot of Councils in London due to the fact that London was a heavy remain vote in the 2016 Brexit vote.  The moaning remainers on the Conservative Party should not assume that their view is the view of the UK voter, that shows how out of touch the the London elite is about Brexit.   The Labour Party should be worried, if it is not ahead now, what will the be the result at the next election, Corbyn might be supported by the Labour Party members, but that is not the British voter.  OF COURSE POLLS CAN BE WRONG!!

If you are Brexit supporter you might be a racist - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The uber left wing Guardian only sees Brexit through the light of its own political views, who cares were the money to support a roll back of Brexit comes from,  the point that this new campaign has the support of big business and the London Elite.   Just because you support Brexit does not make you a racist, and reporting those that wish to roll back Brexit does not make you secret racist, the Guardian itself should think about the articles it publishes, it is confirming the view on the right that its the Left that are racist, they throw the first stone without thinking about their political context. 

Follow the Money - EU Supporters - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The MOANING remainers will not give up, they want to reverse BREXIT, they will use any legal/political method to reverse the result.  The new battle ground will be the House of Lords, the Lords are expected to either block the move or revise the Bill, that means that any new measures will have to be overturned in the House of Commons.   The HARD EU supporters represent the London Elite, they have the money to make this fight ugly.