Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that another British soldier has died in Afghanistan, the soldier was from the " 2nd Battalion The Rifles ". Thus as of 16/9/09 the UK has lost 216 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 185 in combat operations and 31 due to illness, accidents or other incidents. This month alone the UK has lost 6 of its Armed Forces Personnel in combat, we need to secure the security of our soldiers, we need more experts on IEDs on the ground, the US is sending out three thousand more soldiers to deal with IEDs, what has the UK done, from the look of it not a lot. The UK needs more boots on the ground, it needs more secure transport from the air to the ground. Lets protect our troops using all of our equipment, why cant we have 24/7 satellite coverage of Afghanistan.

Blue Dog Democrats SUPPORT Baucus

The Hill: Reports that Conservative Democrats have supported the compromise health bill produced by Senator Baucus. The one problem could be Liberal Democrats in the House and Senate, they want a public option, this is time for President Obama to show his LBJ skills to bring Liberals along, my one critic of the Bill is that it should allow for abortion, its a private matter between the a woman and a Doctor, thus the Government should not state that it should not be covered. On the whole support the Bill.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a British soldier has died of his wounds in the UK after being in combat operations in Afghanistan. The soldier was from the " 2nd Royal Tank Regiment ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 215 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 184 in combat and 31 due to illness, accidents or other incidents. Thus with this death the UK has lost five soldiers in September, it is still less than July and August, lets hope we don't match those deadly months. Our thoughts are with the families of all those killed in Afghanistan.

Middle Class to PAY for Health Care Reform

ABC News: Reports on divisions within Democratic Senate ranks over the new health bill from the Finance committee, Senator Rockefeller is critical of the Baucus Bill, he argues that it soaks to Middle Class in Taxes. It always the details that be more fraught than the idea, President Obama has stated that taxes will not raise on those earning less that two hundred and fifty thousand, well if those in the Middle Class that don't have medical cover it will be a new tax. Its the real world folks, Obama will have to sell a tax increase on the middle class to cover those that don't have cover.

New Health Plan from Senate Finance Committee

The New York Times: Reports on the compromise health bill out of the US Senate, the NYT writes the following, "... 223-page proposal, ( Senator) Baucus said that he had pared the 10-year cost of the bill to $856 billion,... " As stated this blog was waiting for the details of the Bill, it not perfect, but on the whole it sounds like a good bill, there is no public option, people will be forced to buy medical coverage, the insurance companies will not be able to turn any one way who has a pre - existing condition or throw them out should the costs go up for the cover. Also more important the price tag is lot lower that the one trillion of the House package, this cost will as reported by the NYT will be 856 Billion. If the banks can be bailed out, and Obama can pander to the his Liberal base with his economic package then the US government can take care of those that cant take care of themselves. Thus the Democrats on a morale point of view if they cant get Republican support should push it through with the nuclear option in the Senate, but then they own it, like Iraq, it it does not work its their bag, lets see how the Blue Dog Democrats respond to the Bill.

Democrats USE the RACE card Again!

BBC News: Reports on the recent comments of former President Jimmy Carter, it seems that if your opposed to the Obama health care reform package your a racist. If Democrats follow the political advice Jimmy Carter then they are in real trouble. Lets recall that under Carter that Afghanistan was invaded by the USSR, and US Diplomats in Tehran, Iran saw their Embassy taken over and they themselves taken hostage. If Democrats really believe that the opposition to Obama is about race they are heading for a washout in the Mid Term Congressional Elections in 2010. The opposition to Obama comes from the fact that President Obama ran as a moderate and has turned out to have conned the US voter, Obama is an extreme Tax and Spend Liberal. Thus this is the reason that Blue Dog Democrats should oppose any Congressional Bill that has a public option, if Blue Dog Democrats want to lose at the next election just vote for a public option in any Bill. Also lets recall the Obama camp used the race card on President Bill Clinton the first " Black " President in the eyes of many Democrats.