CNN - Politics: Reports " Trump is in the lead with 26% of the vote in the latest survey, 10 percentage points ahead of his closest competitor retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. Rubio was in third place at 13%, but that's up from 4% from the last Monmouth New Hampshire poll in September. In contrast, both Carson and Trump dropped from September. "
Lets Get Real:
There is an argument that Trump should ditch Iowa to Carson as the Doctor has a good lead there, a win in New Hampshire could lead to Trump having the BIG MO as Bush 41 stated, the question is can the ego of Donald Trump take letting Iowa go, in many ways Trump is like LBJ, he likes to be loved, that is a weakness for a candidate or even a President. The Donald should use his money in the primary States, develop a staff structure and go ALL IN to win. My God it could still be President Trump!