Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Is Trump a Racist Part 2 ? - Update 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

POTUS does not help himself, his tweets will be used by the liberal left elite to go after him, in political terms the only saving grace for the Oval is that his supporters do not trust the liberal media and seem not to hear the noise coming out of the White House.  The White House Chief of Staff needs a word with POTUS, he can not say such things, they are racist and not Presidential, can you see JFK or Reagan using such language.  A Sad day for the Office of the Presidency, 

Is President Trump a RACIST ? - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

POTUS has a track record of saying racist things, from his view that Mexican men who come to the US are rapists etc, the question is does POTUS understand what comes out of his mouth, is it a strategy or does he not know.  The President whatever his anger can not use this words about African - Americans, it gives others the idea that they can use such language.   The Trump Chief of Staff needs a quiet word with a President and should hire a African - American to be on the Trump staff.   The Civil Rights movement fought for African - Americans to be respected, that does not mean you can not be critical, but it must be done in a respectful manner. 

Turkey on the Slide and at economic War with the US - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

If you want a CHEAP holiday go to Turkey, you get more for the pound.  On the economic side the Turkish Government has to learn that it can not beat the US, the US is an economic superpower, while Turkey is not, in other words Turkey should do what the US wants or face a economic meltdown. 

The Donald Show - Latest - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

It is sad to see how non Presidential Donald Trump is, he is the worst President since Richard Nixon, but Nixon has the benefit of a first class brain when it comes to international politics, he got out Vietnam, he developed a relationship with China, eased Cold War tensions, and was more liberal on the domestic front.  One can almost hear Democrats saying, come back Tricky Dickie, we take you over Donald Trump, even if you hated liberals.  At least Nixon kept his racist views to himself, as can be seen on his tapes, while the Trump is using words about a former Staffer that could be racist, with the exception that this blog does not have much time for Omarosa Manigault Newman, what earth made President Trump give her a job, he must have know what she was like from his show.  The Oval needs some decorum, and the Chief of Staff has to make sure no one is recording talks. 

London Terror Incident - Update - May Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus far it looks like a lone wolf attack in London, that is based on the evidence in the public realm.   This blog try's not to comment on going investigations.  This is a developing story.