Thursday, February 13, 2020

Who is Tom Steyer and why is he a threat to Biden - US 2020 Election

Lets Get Real:

Thus we shall see if money can buy you a State, Steyer has spent the money and has a large local staff.  It would be a major upset if Steyer beat Biden, it would mean that African - American firewall so stressed by Biden had failed, and it can be postulated that Biden would retire from the game.  It would help Biden if his former boss, President Obama came out and supported him.  The former President has warned the Democratic Party that if it goes far to left it will not get elected.  The moderate lane has Biden, Buttgieg and Klobuchar, it can be speculated that Senator Klobuchar will get a bounce from her come back from political death in New Hampshire.   None of the candidates seem to have caught fire like Obama did in 2008. 

Nevada is Warren's Firewall - US 2020 Election

Lets Get Real:

One can speculate that the money is running out for Senator Warren, she is putting her firewall in Nevada, it will be interesting to see where Sin City ( Las Vegas, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas ) puts its support.  It can be postulated that the other campaigns will try to get the Warren vote, one would assume that the liberal Warren vote will go to Sanders, but the talking heads have gone into detail ( wont bore you with it ) to show that the Warren vote can not be moved in to that direction.  Thus the other campaigns will make a dash for the Warren vote.  If Senator Warren has a bad night in Vegas then her campaign might be OVER, the same could be said of VP Biden, if he can not get the white vote, will he get the ethnic vote in Vegas.  The African - American vote for Biden SC has already fallen by half in recent poll, is he sure he will get their vote.  When Barack Obama come to the rescue of his former VP. 

New Hampshire Follow Up - Part 2 - US 2020 Election

Lets Get Real:

The Sanders camp might need the moderates to keep going, if they split the moderate vote between them; Biden, Mayor Pete and Senator Klobuchar; will allow Sanders to gain the nomination without a limited vote, it can postulated that Warren will drop out after Nevada or SC if she is not at the top of the vote.  It was reported that Biden has 9 million in bank, he will need for the BIG STATES, like California and Texas, its cost millions.  Thus we come to Mayor Bloomberg, he has BILLIONS on hand for Super Tuesday, and can out spend the rest of the candidates in to oblivion.  The polls from Nevada and SC will be very interesting. 

Is this the end for VP Biden? - US 2020 Election

Lets Get Real:

Biden has had two bad showings, the question is will the African - American vote stand with him in S C, in the latest poll he support has dropped by half, the voters will see that he is wounded and wonder can he get the white vote even if black Americans stand by him.  In one regard he is lucky, Mayor Pete gets around ZERO support from African American voters, Senator Klobuchar is gets minus zero.   The next stage is Nevada, it is a caucus State, one only hopes that the Nevada Democratic Party has its voting structure in place and it works, no one wants another Iowa, well the exception of POTUS.  The question is can Sanders pull off a victory, can Mayor Pete start to get the ethnic vote and is Nevada the last hope for Senator Warren.