CNN - Politics: Reports on how Speaker Boehner caved to POTUS, " ..dropped Republican opposition to two key demands by Obama -- higher tax rates on the wealthiest Americans and an automatic extension of the federal debt limit. ".
Lets Get Real:
Folks can you think of any other Speaker who would give UP the power of the purse, the Speaker seems more interested in playing golf than protecting the Americans and the Republican Agenda. What was the point of tea party supporters going out and getting support for Republicans if Boehner just caves, he caved a day after the election. A real tough Speaker would have told the Oval, WELCOME TO THE OBAMA RECESSION, and walked away for two years. That is Chicago hard ball politics folks. In the 1980s/90s both Reagan and Bush 41 agreed to tax hikes based on Democratic welfare cuts, they never happened, the Democrats always back away from hard decisions due to their liberal base. Thus the US economy will stagnate for the next four years, with ObamaCare & tax hikes, welcome to Jimmy Carter part two, the Republican House should ditch Boehner and get a tough SOB as the next Speaker, someone who will tell Obama to get off his ego. That is not the Speaker, a Republican in name only folks. Sad day for the US and the Republican Party.