Saturday, April 11, 2020

Trump's re-election chances - Update 1 - US Election 2020

Now for something else, for a change!

Lets Get Real:

Due to the coronavirus the US in the last few weeks has lost nearly 17 million jobs, and that is just those that could get online to apply for benefits.  Biden has been confirmed at the Democratic nominee when Sanders threw in the towel.  Thus the 2020 election SHOULD be a walk over for VP Biden, the US Congress has spent the US in to nearly being broke to secure the economy, how long will China buy US bonds, if they see their investment turning in to paper money, will they either not buy US bonds or start to sell the bonds they have already.  This blog is not writing off Trump, that would be a mistake, politics is an ART not a science, one suspects that Trump will try to get the US lockdown lifted before November, and push the US Congress to spend more money on the problem.   At least US politics is more fun to watch, as CNN and the New York Times become arms of the Biden Campaign while trying to say they are being fair and balanced.

What matters most the ECONOMY or LIFE ? - Update 3 - Health

Lets Get Real:

No politician wants to put his head on the chopping block and get this wrong, it's either the economy or the virus, when the PM gets well he will have to return to make the final decision, he will have the time to consider when the LOCKDOWN has gone on for long enough and take the risk.  As he is recovering from the virus the PM will be in a position to say that he after going through the process understands the arguments on both sides, and that he has decide one way or another.  The UK economy will have to wait, the Government does not want an early lockdown release then after a 2nd wave of the virus to put it back in to place.  Politics is sometimes about luck not science. 

Data from COVID - 19 - Update 2 - Health

Lets Get Real:

As the article points out, nearly 980 people died during the previous 24 hours, and nearly ten thousand people have died in the UK due to COVID - 19.  The Police should be wary of their new powers, there have been reports that some policemen have been checking the shop baskets of customers, this must not happen, that is a fast way to lose public confidence, and cause people not to follow the rules.   The PM and the boffins have be VERY CLEAR, people should stay in, there are very limited reasons for going out, shopping, keeping fit, and going to help people.  The UK people understand that they are in this for the duration, the duration might be months or god help us YEARS.