The New York Times: Reports that Governor Mitt Romney the Republican Nominee for President has finally come in to line with other Republicans and called ObamaCare a TAX.
Lets Get Real:
The lack of clear signal from Romney that ObamaCare is a TAX is down to the fact that he has RomneyCare in his home state, another TAX. Thus the Governor did not want to define ObamaCare as a tax as he would the kickback from Democrats that he produced RomneyCare a TAX on his home State. The get out for Romney is the fact that he has stated that he will repeal ObamaCare, the Chicago Re-Elect Committee has to defend it as a TAX, that is the way the US Supreme Court has ruled. The Romney Campaign has to define POUTS as a tax and spend liberal, the biggest tax being ObamaCare, and the spending this failed economic policies in the first two of the Administration. Romney is lucky a lot of Americans have not tuned in yet, thus this waffle by his Campaign will be forgotten, but and this is the important BUT, the Romney Campaign can not afford to have many own goals, the agenda has to be about Obama and his record.