Sunday, October 26, 2008

Terrorists ATTACKED in SYRIA

Fox News: Reports that the USA attacked a terrorist hideout in Syria. What about attacking Iran, a quick and heavy attack on Iran's nuclear facilities would send a message to Iran and Syria and would also bind the next Obama Administration. President George W. Bush has to set the field for the Obama Administration, if he was to attack Iran, there is no way Obama could leave Iraq. Lets recall Bush 41 and his sending of troops in to Somalia, if Obama finds himself in low level war with Iran he cant appease Iran in first days as President and he would not be able to leave Iraq. Does Bush 43 have the nerve to configure the future for Obama.

Liberal Slant on Syria

The New York Times: As you would expect from the left liberal New York Times, when reporting from Iraq it cant help itself, it does not mention that the reason that the USA might have attacked Syria is because it is allowing terrorists to come over the border in to Iraq. What does the left liberal New York Times go on about, it attacks an agreement that would allow the USA to stay in Iraq after the new year, it states the following about the agreement between the USA and Iraq, " The pact faces strenuous opposition from neighboring countries, especially Syria and Iran, because of fears that the United States might use Iraqi territory to carry out attacks on them. " What about the threat to Western Troops in Iraq from terrorists coming over the border form Syria and Iran. The Times is so Anti - American it cant see beyond its own Agenda. The terrorist attack of 9/11 seems to have passed the left liberal Times, it is more concerned about the welfare of Syria and Iran than the Democratic interests of the West. I guess when the Gray Lady fell she had to fall in to the gutter. No wonder her profits are down, next year they will be kissing the backside of Obama, who will they be critical off, the power will be in the hands of Liberals, Presidency and Congress.

A Nuclear Syria ?

BBC News: Has more on the USA attack on Syria, it seems it was more than just an air attack, troops landed. Why would the USA land troops in Syria of all places, would assume that if Syria has hideout for terrorist than a air attack would do the job. Lets recall that Israel attacked Syria because it was building a nuclear structure. Is the United States concerned that that Syria has not learnt it lesson and wants to become a nuclear power. What kind of building was invaded, was a terrorist hideout or something more, this story has legs, the Syrian propaganda can be discounted, either the USA was clearing house of terrorists or the building has more importance than it seems at the present.

No Election ?

The Sunday Times: Great article on those that follow the USA election in detail! Ask what will they do after November 4 2008. Its simple, the election for 2008 started two years early, thus expect the runners to start to visit Iowa after the Obama Inauguration. Iowa and New Hampshire will be back in the spotlight. Also we have the Mid Terms in 2010 to look forward to, should be a real fight, Obama will be have served for two years, if Taxes go up expect Republicans to retake the House and Senate. November 4th is just end of this cycle, elections, polls, articles about 2012 will start in the new year, if Obama looks like a loser in 2012 will Hillary Clinton run against him aka Ronald Reagan in 1976. 2012 Start here.


Fox News: Reports that the USA is attacking targets inside Syria. If true, has Bush decided that Obama is going to win thus he is going to force him to accept the War in Iraq if he likes it not. A cross border attack would need the highest authority at least the Secretary of Defence or the President. This just could be a one off attack, depends what Syria does, well not a lot Syria can do, could this be a October surprise or just a story that will fade away, very interesting development.

Obama as POTUS ?

The Republican National Committee goes after Obama. The Political Ad is quite good, like the choppy waters and how Obama has no record. Very effective but to late folks, so to late. B plus for effort RNC.

McCain WON - Liberal - NIGHTMARE

Newsweek: A what if of history, a McCain win, the Liberal Newsweek would have a fit. If McCain Campaign would put this on their web site and send out through the post, one thing that really annoys Conservative voters is the Liberal Press.

How McCain can Win - Dick Morris

New York Post: Dick Morris; President Clinton's political guru; gives advice to the McCain Campaign. In essence three steps to win over Obama, Obama is a tax hiker, his relationship with racist ex Pastor and that USA would become the 1970s sick man of Europe. These are all excellent ideas but face one problem, its to late, if McCain has come out attacking before the the Democratic Race was over it might have been effective, but he waited to long, plus he does not want to be called a racist, the Jail release Ad still haunts the 88 Campaign of Bush 41. The Republicans should try to make the American voter concerned about a out of control Democratic Congress. Thus the McCain Campaign is finished, its the Congress that the Conservatives should try to keep some influence in, other wise two to four years of another Great Society 11.

The Sunday Poll

The Sunday Poll folks, 26/10/08.

Zogby: As Drudge and Zogby point out in one day polling the 08 race is very close, how many voters lie is a very interesting question, the one day sample of Zogby has the following, Obama 49% - McCain 46%. Is the McCain message on the economy working or have the elite media gone over board, are the voters going to give the Obama Administration all they want, a Democratic President and a powerful Congress. The three day tracking poll for the race has Obama ahead by 5%.