Saturday, April 25, 2020

Brexit Update 2 - Transition Period

Lets Get Real:

The left wing Remain Guardian of course takes the side of the EU, the Guardian/BBC Elite see everything that is negative for the UK, why should UK waters be fished by EU fishermen if the UK is no longer part of the EU.  The UK could grant concessions, on OUR TERMS, our fish our water.   Any concessions should interest the UK more than the EU, that is the part the REMAIN ELITE do not want to understand.   The UK should STAND FIRM on our RIGHTS.  The UK voted to leave the EU, the UK Government gets to decide our waters policy and the power of the European Court of Justice, not the other way around. A phrase from Dad's Army comes to mind, " They do not like Up them " that is the UK is a sovereign power and will remain so for the future. 

US Economy and COVID - 19 - US Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

No wonder POTUS is going slightly loopy at his press briefings with the press, he sees himself joining a very small club of one term Presidents in the modern ear, that is Hoover, Carter and Bush 41.  The No New Taxes pledge of Bush 41 was tested and he was seen to let down that pledge by agreeing to tax hikes.  Very un Reagan.  President Trump is his own worse enemy, when things are going good, he does not know when to STOP TALKING, very much like Bill Clinton.   At least Bill Clinton can say he was a two term President, while Trump looks like a bad one termer.  It is no wonder that Trump wants to re-open the US economy, he can see himself being trounced by VP Biden in November. 

Brexit Update - Transition Period - Brexit

Finally back to Brexit, about bloody time.

Lets Get Real:

The EU seems to have lost the plot, nothing is moving because of COVID -  19, the UK General Election of 2019 showed what the UK voted wanted, the voter wanted to cut ties with the EU. A clear break.   The EU still thinks that PM May is in power and can make demands and expect the UK to follow suite.   The May Parliament has gone, all the HARD REMAINERS either left or were forced out.   The UK has to be firm with the EU, it's our way or the high road.  Why is the EU so slow, are they still listening to the the Hard Remainers in the UK, if so they are out of touch.