Sunday, September 11, 2011

Greece Default Part Two

Guardian: Reports that the IMF, European Central Bank and EU will pull the plug on its bailout of Greece, the default is expected by the end of the year. About time folks, this was getting bonkers, how much billions has been thrown at Greece and for what result, the Greek Government has been slow to follow through with its austerity package, the Greek economy is going down the toilet, thus more debt for the Greeks. Pull the plug NOW, save a few billion and help Greece after it defaults.

Greece and Austerity

Telegraph: Reports that the Greek Prime Minister, George Papandreou has stated that Greece will follow through with its austerity package as to keep Greece from going broke. This policy is pointless for Greece, it will default, it will hurt, it would better for Greece and EU/Euro if it did default and leave the Euro, then the Greek Government could start from scratch, it would receive loans from the EU/IMF as it would not be able to raise money on the open market. The austerity package and the bailouts will not work, sooner or later, and more chance sooner the Germans will say no to more bailouts. Also some Euro Countries want Greece to put up collateral before they get another bailout, also what about the Greek people, do we want a Greek Spring in Athens, a Democratic elected Government overthrow by the mob, in the birthplace of Democracy after all, sad days for Greece folks.

Afghanistan - Aftermath of 9/11

BBC News: Reports on one of the consequences of 9/11, the invasion of Afghanistan by the US and its Allies, today it reports that 80 US Soldiers were injured due to a Taliban bomb. The Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, the covert war on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the economic costs of these Wars are the consequences of September 11 2001. Although OBL has been killed the War on Terror goes on, thus the recent terror alert for New York and Washington D.C. One has to ask when does 9/11 ever end in military terms, the general view among experts is that it will take another generation to finish off Al Qaeda, then there is the constant threat of Iran, also we have seen the Israeli Ambassador flee Egypt after his Embassy was stormed by angry Egyptians. When does the madness end folks.

The Girl Who Waited - Doctor Who

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that the good Doctor had six million viewers on Saturday night, it beat its ITV rival by over two million. As to episode folks, it was brilliantly written and acted, it was close as the new Doctor has come to Doomsday with Doctor and Rose but in this case it was Amy and Rory, seeing Rory have to chose which Amy would survive was heartbreaking and his accused tone to the Doctor that he was trying to make him like the Doctor, but as we fans of the good Doctor know he goes a lot darker in his final regenerations, the Doctor lies. The best drama of the week. But this blog would suggest to the writers that they are careful with the character of the Doctor, they don’t want to break the Palmer Rule ( named after President David Palmer in 24), when the President crossed a line that a heroic character should not then you diminish them, you care less, the Doctor should be the best of us, heroic, selfless, barmy as hell but in a good way, as River states the Doctor can be very cold, ruthless and plays games with the lives of others, the exception being Rose, it could be argued that the darkness of the Doctor comes from losing Rose to himself! The ultimate defeat if you think about it, losing someone you love to your self.

Obama on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11



Never Forget

Never given in to terrorists

Remember 9/11