Monday, February 03, 2020

It's Iowa Caucuses TIME - US Election 2020

Let's give BREXIT a brake for a bit, let's have some fun with US politics:

Lets Get Real:

The latest polls this blog saw had Senator Sanders winning Iowa and New Hampshire, we shall see if the polls get this race right, or are they a bit iffy like in 2016.  It can be postulated that Biden needs a win in Iowa and NH, if he loses both and comes in third or fourth then the election might be over for the former Vice - President.  On the other hand if he bucks the trend and wins Iowa and NH then the nomination could be his for the asking.  While a Sanders win would confirm the left ward move of the Democratic Party.  If Mayor Pete can pull surprise a victory then he could be the moderate to take on Sanders.   The problem is that Mayor Pete has a problem with black voters, in S.C in one poll he has ZERO black support, that would be a problem.  It promises to be a LONG NIGHT, on Tuesday we have the State of the Union and on Wednesday the President will be found NOT GUILTY by the US Senate.  Not a slow news week.

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