Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The NEVER ENDING Long Extension!! - Brexit Update 1 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

Thus this is how BREXIT is BETRAYED, the issue is thrown into the LONG GRASS, the REMAINERS and the EU will try to make sure that the UK never leaves the EU.  After the UK is forced to accept a long extension, the Conservative backbenches should make it clear to the PM that she has to GO, and GO NOW.   The Conservative Party then should elect a firm BREXIT PM, one that can win elections and go the Country with the promise that the UK will leave as soon as Brexit Government is elected.   Conservative HQ tell the local associations that they must select a pro BREXIT candidate, even if they have to de - select the sitting MP.   Let's make the Remain victory a hollow victory, let's just say NO to EU over anything they really want.  It is about time the UK roard, we have saved Europe to many times, while the French were running away, it time to getting in to those political trenches, fight as dirty as the French and the Germans. 

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