Thursday, June 01, 2017

May vs. Corbyn on Brexit - Campaign Trail 64 - GE2017

BBC News: Reports " Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn have set out competing visions of what they want for Britain after it has left the EU, with a week to go until polling day. "

Lets Get Real:

IF you want to really leave the EU, there  is only one Party to vote for, that is the Conservative Party, a Corbyn Labour Government would take ANY deal offered by the EU, they would pay the 100 billion that the EU wants, it would be a slave to the EU.   The UK under a May Government would be a Sovereign Country again, the laws of the land would be decided by the UK Parliament, of course Scotland would be LOST, that would mean that the Labour Coalition Government would fall and we would have another election.  IF you want a STABLE GOVERNMENT and no more elections for 5 years you must vote Conservative. 

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