Friday, October 18, 2019

Labour MPs and Brexit - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

This blog's confidence in LABOUR MPs doing the right thing and voting for BREXIT is LOW, let's recalled they voted for Jeremy Corbyn as leader and have failed to get rid of him, they have shown they do not have the guts to leave the LABOUR PARTY, they are more concerned about their political careers and are fearful of getting de-selected by left wing members of their seats.   It would be brave if Labour MPs did vote for Brexit, it would go down well in Northern Seats and help them get re-elected.  Of course if they vote for the deal and get de-selected they could get a peerage from a very happy PM Boris, just thought for LABOUR MPs to think about before they vote, they will get nothing out of Jeremy Corbyn. 

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