Wednesday, April 03, 2019

The May and Corbyn SHOW - Brexit Update 1 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

The idea of PM May and the Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn being able to agree to a new Brexit Deal is foolish.   PM May would have to agree to a customs union that deals with trade, while Corbyn would have to give up on the idea of the UK staying the single market, as being in the EU single market allows for free trade.  The FACT that there have been no resignations so far shows that the Brexit Ministers are making to CALLS to fellow Ministers and MPs to see how they react, first impression is badly.  The Hard Brexit MPs do not want a customs union as it would prevent the UK doing trade deals with Countries outside the UK.   The idea that Jeremy Corbyn would design the future of Brexit is a lead to balloon to these MPs.   One would be surprised and shocked if PM lasts the weekend as PM.  It is reported that a majority of the Cabinet wanted to leave on a NO DEAL, but the PM overruled them, going with minority who are HARD REMAINERS.  One can expect a storm over the next few days, the PM would have to go if 14 Cabinet Ministers and a majority of MPs make it clear they will resign from their offices and will not obey the Government whip.   Of course will the Hard Brexit MPs have the courage of their convictions or do they like the red boxes and the Chauffeur driven cars to much, do they have leadership ambitions for the future, the Party members will not forgive those that follow May on this idea.

On the Labour side Corbyn will face pressure from those that want to remain in the EU and want a 2nd referendum vote, if they see May and Corbyn doing a DEAL, they will feel that Corbyn is helping in a Conservative BREXIT.   Thus expect disquiet from the Labour backbenches.   It might be in the interest of Corbyn to allow the any new deal to fail before it gets off the ground, he wants a general election, he wants a hard brexit to blame on the Conservatives, if he is part of the process he gets either the credit or the blame.   Thus expect growing anger from HARD REMAINERS within the Labour Party. 

This May idea heading for doom, it just a matter of how, either the Conservatives pull out or Labour forces Corbyn to make demands that the PM can not give in too. 

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