Wednesday, April 03, 2019

The Guardian view of May's offer to the Labour Leader - Brexit Update 3 - NO BREXIT

Lets Get Real:

In the above the left wing Guardian just might be RIGHT.   The PM could be seeing Brexit about to sink and thus wants to share the blame, the one thing she can do for the Conservative Party; is either resign of her own accord or is forced out by her Cabinet; is to share the blame with the Labour Party.   Before that she does not want the whole BLAME for the fiasco that is BREXIT, thus this move to ask Corbyn in for talks.  The Labour Leader must know that his HARD REMAINERS MPs want a 2nd referendum and anything less will be seen a betrayal by them.  IF May and Corbyn can iron out an agreement the Corbyn will look like a Statesman who saved BREXIT and set the future course.   If the talks are a disaster then May can blame Corbyn for being to rigid and causing BREXIT to sink.  Both May and Corbyn have a LOT to LOSE over the next few days. 

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