Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Trump on Bill Clinton - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

This is a clever move by Donald Trump, he wants to box in Bill Clinton, make him a loser on the Campaign trail if as expected he does more for Hillary in 2016.   It wins both ways, it boxes in Hillary when it comes to the women issues and other gender issues, and gets the Republican base who have no time for BC to support Trump.   The quality of the debate is another matter, its in the gutter at the moment, one would hope that Republican voters would switch their support from Trump to Rubion, but at the moment the 2nd man in the polls is Senator Cruz of Texas, hardly a center politician, the Senate members loath him, and that is just the Republicans.  One can only wish that Trump fades and anyone but Trump comes alone, with the exception of Cruz, otherwise its going to be a very dirty election in 2016. 

Donald Trump on Hillary and Bill Clinton - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The Clinton Campaign has to go on the attack, it needs through its friends in the left wing media to go after the Trump history, everyone has something to hide, its just a matter of digging.   The Clintons have been down this road in the 1990s, at the end of the day Bill Clinton was impeached and found not guilty by the US Senate.   Whatever Bill Clinton might have done or not done is in the past, he is not running, its his wife, she has been First Lady of the US, a US Senator and finally the US Secretary of State.  The mistakes of Bill Clinton should not be thrown against his wife, the sole exception being if she uses women issues to be critical of Republicans, then she opens up herself to be attacked because of Bill.   This is the gutter politics we will get in 2016 should it be a Clinton vs. Trump fight. 

The US and Iran - Iran Tensions

Lets Get Real:

Although the US and Iran have agreed a deal over Iran's nuclear ambitions it does not mean that the US and Tehran are friends, quite reverse, after the US left Iraq in 2011 it can be argued that Baghdad fell in to the orbit of Iran, the Tehran forces has sent forces to Iraq to help Baghdad fight Daesh, while in Syria it is supporting the Assad Regime against moderate rebels and Daesh.  The Tehran Regime sees the Middle East as it backyard, it wants the US out of the region, thus the forces of Iran will place pressure on the US to see how far it can push it, one can postulate that President Obama would like to visit Iran before he leaves Office, the Tehran Regime will not be rushing out with the red carpet for such a visit. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Weakness for Hillary Clinton = Bill Clinton - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Thus we return to the Clinton Wars of the 1990s.  The extreme liberal press has not helped Hillary Clinton by not running with the issue, in essence the Clintons have gotten a pass from the media, the Republican Party and the Trump Campaign are going to after Bill Clinton if the HRC campaign start to use women issues against the Republicans.   As noted by the article the Clinton Campaign has been quiet about these women and their issues with BC, " ..Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey that they were either raped or sexually harassed by Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton's office declined comment at the time and did not immediately return a request for comment Tuesday. ".   Thus BC might be a great political asset to HRC, but his personal record is not that great.   It will be interesting to see the outcome of this debate. 

The CIVIL WAR in Labour - Corbyn Mania

Lets Get Real:

The Labour Party civil war between the extreme left wing as represented by Jeremy Corbyn and the Tony Blair supporters who represent the center and the right wing is coming to a head.   The Party leadership is left wing, while most of the Labour Party MPs are in the centre or even right wing,  they open battle that came with the Syrian vote has shown that something has to give before 2020.   It can be argued that a majority of Labour MPs would not vote for Corbyn for PM, even if they had a choice.    The civil war to come is the reason that Labour will lose the 2020 election. 

Obama the LAME DUCK President - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Thus we have a failed President running from home to get some news covereage from the left wing media.   In many respects Hillary and Bill Clinton will be happy that POTUS will be far away, then they can distance themselves from his Administration. The last year of a Presidency the media coverage moves to the future Administration, one might expect POTUS to visit Iran, he has bowed so much he expects Iran would be happy with a visit from the US President.   The White House has not noticed that the Tehran leadership has made clear, with the exception of the Iran deal the US and Iran are still enemies.   The last President to help a nominee of his Party gain the Oval was Ronald Reagan in 1988 with his support of Bush 41. 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Major Defeat for Daesh in Iraq - War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

This is a good start by the Baghdad government, but it is still going to be a long fight, the retaking of Mosul will be hard, the Daesh terrorists have had the time to build up their defences and cause delay due to the placement of IED's.  It can be taken for granted that Western Special Forces have had a part in this victory.   This blog still argues that it will need Western combat troops to finish off Daesh in Iraq and Syria, the terrorists do not play by Western rules, thus their need to get the West to place troops in Iraq and Syria and for Daesh to capture them, with that in mind, it should only be Special Forces troops that are used, as there will be tough fighting.   The War in not over, but the end might be in sight. 

Husbands of River Song - Doctor Who Review

Lets Get Real:

It has been a few days since the Christmas episode, and this Doctor Who fan can still recall the show from start to finish, it was fun, out loud fun, when the Doctor acted as if he had never been in to the Tardis before, River didn't pick that up, then we have the fun on the space ship, also serious, when River said that the Doctor could not love, if it one thing you can say about that is she is wrong, one can state that the Doctor loves his other half.  Then we get sadness at the end, but also hope, the message being that you should enjoy your happy times, they will not come around again, so make the most of it, even if a date on the planet that the Doctor had taken River lasts for 24 years.   If you watch only one episode of Doctor Who  this year, watch the Husbands of River Song and smile. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Hillary Clinton on Trump - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:
Thus the US voter will be faced with this level of discourse should Trump face Clinton in 2016.   Of course as stated this blog will support HRC is any such fight, at least you know what expect from the Clintons, while Trump could cause World War 3 within six months of taking office or sooner.   The issue of national security will be a major issue for 2016, the Clintons have to go left to win the Democratic nomination, but they will have to go hard right to win the Presidency.   The Clintons will be faced by the Obama legacy of failure when it comes to the Middle East, thus they will need to be tough to win. 

Putin on the USSR - World View from Moscow

Lets Get Real:

MR KGB Putin thinks we ARE ALL DAFT as the Russian people, the Russian President wants more than the USSR back, he wants Tsarist Russia back, he wants the glory of a Tsar and the power of the USSR.   If Putin wants ANY respect he will get out of East Ukraine, allow the Crimea to return to the Ukraine and willl behave in Syria.    As Putin is a tyrant this will not happen, if you want to watch political BS then watch the show on Russian TV.   The West has its guard up and we will support Turkey should it come to a fight. 

Obama on Trump - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

When the President talks about race as a problem its the typical left wing rubbish we expect from Obama and for the Guradian to run without question, the reason blue collar workers are not happy is nothing to do with the race of the President, its the fact that the Obama economy has not bounced back to levels that allows a blue collar to make it to the end of the week.   The President's failure when it comes to terrorism has not helped the US population to feel that they are being lead well.    Thus expect more of this rubbish from a failed President, a President who did no learn and allowed his own arrogance to become before reality. 

The Losing War in Afghanistan - War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

At least the UK Coalition Government got the UK troops out of Afghanistan, this blog has always opposed sending UK troops to Afghanistan, the wins are not worth the losses, and those wins and now under threat.   This blog supports the use of air power in Iraq and Syria to go after Daesh, and would support the return of troops to Iraq and Syria.   There are only so many special forces that the UK and the US have, at the end of the day ground troops will be need to keep ground and rebuff the Daesh in Syria.   Thus US, UK and Russia could think of a joint force to get rid of Daesh, it might improve the relationship between the West and Russia. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Who WON the Republican Debate - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

This blog recorded the debate and watched it all the following morning, the winners were Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Bush.   The blog agrees with the above statement, the candidates did not really take on Trump with the exception of Jeb Bush, if only THIS Bush had turned up at the other debates, as he stated to Trump that he could not insult his way to the Oval Office.  One can see why the pundits were impressed with Senator Cruz, he knew his stuff, even if this blog found it did not agree with any of the Cruz Statements, Rubion wanted to take on the terrorists, while he suggested that Cruz was like Obama, and wanted to read them their rights.   Thus overall what does this blog expect in the polls, well, one can see Cruz extending his lead in Iowa, while the Trump brand name should help him other States.  One could almost see a Trump/Cruz ticket, the Republican Establishment would not be happy, as in way the Isolation wing of the Republican Party would have won the fight.   Thus one hopes HRC will win in the end, bad day for democracy, but at least HRC will act on the international front. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

LA Schools Update - Terror threat or Hoax

Lets Get Real:

Given the present information and the lack of actual terrorist material found this blog would take the risk and say this threat to LA schools was a hoax, of course if terrorist material is found this blog would revoke that estimation, but thus far there seems little risk to say that the terror threat against LA Schools was a hoax, the question is WHO and WHY, it could be a fan of Homeland, or it could be the terrorists checking out to see how the State would react. They day we allow terrorists to win a new cycle, is a bad day, thus the West as stated in this blog has to take down Daesh, they are a threat to the Western secular values of the West. 

When Art becomes Real - LA Schools Update

Lets Get Real:

Thus if it turns out to have been a major hoax the TV series Homeland will get it the neck, at least President Obama is fan, so White House get out there and support this US series, of course there is always an outside chance that it is a REAL THREAT, thus the California authorities had no choice but to close down the LA Schools.   One would hope the German authorities will crack down hard should it have been sent by a German resident.   This incident is a warning to the White House, people are afraid, thus the Obama White House has to do something about Daesh, it can not be left to the successor of Obama to deal with, history does not work like that, there is a year and bit left of the Obama Presidency, time is short and the Oval has to act and be seen to act. 

A Terror Threat hits LA Schools, REAL OR HOAX?

Lets Get Real:

After the recent terror attack in California it can be understood that local authorities took the drastic step to close all the Schools in Los Angeles, better to be safe than sorry, but then local authorities in New York thought it was a hoax, after 9/11 one suspects that any threat is considered at length before its dismissed.    The aim of terrorists is to cause fear, either this was  real threat that has been closed down or it was hoax, if it was a hoax one hopes the FBI will be all over it, on the 24/7 news channels it is reported that the email came from Germany, lets hope the Germans crack down either way.  A day that terrorists cause fear and panic is a day they win, they are having to much good days, the West, this includes the US, UK and France have to take down Daesh, the Oval Office does not have a year to hand over the issue to his successor, the Obama Oval will have to tackle it, does not matter if he does not want too, reality has a way of pricking a self deluded bubble around the White House. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Does North Korea have the H - bomb - North Korean Claims

Lets Get Real:

Thus more claims from North Korea, on the whole one's first reaction is to dismiss the idea that North Korea has the H-bomb, but this blog has found its a mistake to dismiss such claims out of hand, the Obama Administration does not want the problem of North Korea coming up in its final year, it would like to pass on the problem to its successor.   One would need more information to totally dismiss the claim, it might be a good idea for the CIA and MI6 to keep any eye on North Korea.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Trump invokes FDR over Muslim Ban - Outcry

Lets Get Real:

Even great Presidents such as FDR or Ronald Reagan make mistakes, with FDR it was his mistake to lock up Americans of Japanese, German or Italian decent, with the Gipper it was Iran - Contra.  It can be argued that Donald Trump is trying to muddy the waters, with bringing up FDR, it forces the issues back to Democrats, and keeps his base happy that he fights the establishment.    The idea that you can BAN an entire population brings up World War 2 and the treatment of the Jews under Nazi Germany, once you open that bottle it just spouts EVIL.  One would hope Mr Trump would take a step back and consider his comments.    The very nature values of America is freedom, to use hate speech in such way is below the character of the Oval Office, time for Mr Trump to grow up. 

POTUS on Trump - Outcry

Lets Get Real:

This is rare time that this blog agrees with the Obama White House a 100%, the words of Trump should be disowned by the Republican Party and the other candidates, in pure politics its a disaster, what other minority group will Trump want to ban, its only a small step from Muslims to other groups.   If decent Republicans vote for Trump this blog will support HRC a 100%, this blog does not like HRC, thinks she has a problem with the truth, and is all political, but she would still be a better choice for the Oval than Trump.   What has happened to US politics and the Republican Party?  As to the moral question, how could any one with a faith, no matter what, vote for Donald Trump. 

Trump on London - Outcry by London

Lets Get Real:

Thus more wrong and rubbish comments by Mr Donald Trump, he should keep his hateful comments to the US, the Met does an excellent job, they are not perfect, but they try their best to protect the safety of all citizens in the London and the UK.   One has to wonder can not the US Police have a word with Trump and his HATE SPEECH, it must be illegal somewhere in the US.   The UK Government should consider banning Trump from the UK, his comments are racist and not true.   Lets hope the Republicans pick another front runner and fast. 

Donald Trump on Muslims - Outcry of Opposition

Lets Get Real:

The idea of banning muslims from coming to live in the US or to come on holiday is not what the USA represents to the World.   The US represents freedom, the great melting pot, the idea that select one group for banning shows that Mr Trump has learnd nothing from World War 2.   Mr Trump will gain some points from those that fear the modern world after 9/11, it is good to see that other Republican candidates have come out against the idea, one would hope Mr Trump would take time to consider his words, they are racist and will be used by Daesh to gain support, lets hope Mr Trump is not the Republican nominee, lets recall he is a very rich, he has the money to buy the Oval Office.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

POTUS on the War on Terror

Lets Get Real:

It has been reported on Fox News that there was tension between the White House and the FBI as to what to call the Californian killings, it seems that the FBI did not buckle to White House pressure, the Oval has been spinning that the Daesh has been contained and that the Obama Oval has prevented other attacks, well now the other shoe has dropped, what will President Obama say, how does give the impression that he is on the ball without giving the impression that he was blind sided by the attack. The US voter wants its President to have his finger on the pulse of the Country and abroad, so far Obama has gotten away with his spin that he had defeated terrorism, that kind spin never lasts. 

Doctor Who Review - Hell Bent

Lets Get Real:

This is episode is what Doctor Who should be about, throwing the rule book out of the window, having the Doctor be a rebel and a hero, even it he did fire a gun and make a fellow Time Lord regenerate, and had a nice line afterwards, death to a Time Lord is like the flu.  Of course this episode was a double headers, with the Doctor in fine rebellion form and Clara is back, your never dead in Sci - Fiction, as this blog is not a story spoiler, all that can be said is that its the Doctor vs Time Lords and even TIME ITSELF.  One should mention that Lady Me is back, also in fine form, she does become a companion, but not to the Doctor.  The end, is sad but also uplifting, the Doctor loses Clara but the Sci Fiction has a new female lead for a spin off, after seeing the show, lets start a campaign to see Clara have her own show. 

Thursday, December 03, 2015

First the Planes, Next the Soldiers - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Once you start with planes to attack Daesh the next level is to bring troops in theatre to take and hold ground give up by Daesh.   It can be assumed that that the SAS is is Country and in supporting the Free Syrian Army with the help of the US Special Forces.   The Western government are speaking double speak, of course we have boots on the ground, you can call what ever you like, they are still UK and US soldiers on the ground.    This blog has already discounted that there are seventy thousand FSA soldiers on the ground waiting to attack Daesh, if there is that number they are fighting Assad, getting a ceasefire between Assad/Russia and the FSA so they could fight Daesh is a nice dream, but still a dream.   Thus in time both the US, UK and France will have to send in combat troops, its not a great thought but its the only one that is real 

Murders in California - Terror or Work Related ?

Lets Get Real:

Thus the murders are still being looked at, as stated above the killings could be either terrorism, work related or both, it will take time for the FBI to go through the investigation.   It looks like a terrorist attack, but then the US has a gun culture, as noted in this blog, it opposes the free gun culture, but of course that is a European view, after Paris are we really saying that Europe is better!  This blog did not speculate last night while the Police were searching for a  third killer, it finds if you speculate it does not help and might be wrong. Thus people will just have to wait to see what information the FBI find, and then review and see what steps should be taken to prevent another such attack. 

Cameron on Syrian Strikes - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Thus the UK is now fighting Daesh in Iraq and Syria, the problem is that air strikes alone will not win this WAR, the Western Allies needs the Free Syrian Army and its allies to turn its attention on Daesh, the problem of Assad can wait for the future.   The West also needs the Russians to hit Daesh, thus far they are hitting the moderate Syrian rebels, Moscow must turn its fire on Daesh, it can argued that for the long term the Daesh threat is a great threat to Russia, the downing of a Russian plane over Egypt should show the Russian were the real threat comes from.   The question is will the West, Russia, the Free Syrian Army work together, or are they fighting across each other. 

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

The Civil War in Labour - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real: 

The Labour Party is in open civil war, if the Party can not unite when it comes to a matter of War and Peace, then what hope over other issues, will Labour MPs defy Corbyn when it comes to the UK's nuclear weapons.   The Labour Party after the 2015 election went back to its comfort zone, left and then left.   This is no way for a modern political party to behave, it needs to love Tony Blair as this blog has stated, it will only learn how to win elections from the Blair way of winning three elections.   The Labour Party is a sorry example of  a Opposition. 

Corbyn critical of Labour MPs supporting airstrikes - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Corbyn party within a party is trying to blackmail Labour MPs, the real Labour Party under Tony Blair is being pushed in to the bin, the small cabal around Corbyn do no represent real voters or real people, they are small left wing party, with no loyalty to the Labour Party.     If Labour wants to win the next general election it must find a way to get rid of Corbyn and his fellow travellers.   Thus the sane part of the Labour Party should form a new Party, a REAL LABOUR PARTY, if they have the numbers they could be the official opposition.  TIME TO GET REAL. 

The House of Commons Motion for Syrian War - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

It is interesting that the left wing Guardian placed the above at the bottom of the article, the lefties at the Guardian and the BBC oppose war, they somehow think that Daesh is not a threat to them, well it will come as a shock to the BBC and its fellow travellers, that the liberal elite would be the first targets should Daesh attempt an attack here in the UK.   The liberal elite has sold its soul to Jeremy Corbyn, LETS GET REAL, Corbyn is a joke, he will never win a general election, only the mindless drones at the BBC give him air space, he represents no one but himself, poor Labour Party. 

Corbyn on Iraq Bombing - Iraq War

Lets Get Real:

HERE is is dear voter, the Labour Leader, Her Majesty's Official Opposition might pull the plug on RAF strikes in Iraq, as  at the request of the Iraqi Government.  Thus Daesh would have a free hand in Iraq and Syria.   The Labour leader is appeaser, any terrorist group would have a free lunch in Jeremy Corby was in power.  Lets hope the the Labour MPs with a brain cell support the government tomorrow.   A Corbyn Government would leave the UK with no defence, it could be blackmailed by anybody, thus time for the Labour Party to get real and dump Corbyn. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Syrian Debate - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Lets hope the House of Commons shows some backbone and supports the PM, the last time they did not, and thousands of extra people died in Syria.   The Labour Party is in a mess, the leader at the start of the debate will give a speech against bombing, while the Foreign Secretary at the end will come out for bombing.   The Official Opposition is a joke, one would almost give the job to the SNP.   It is time for grown up politics, support the PM and our air crews. 

Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This shows how left wing the Guardian is, this review was well down in the article, of course the Syrian debate is a failure for Jeremy Corby and the extreme left, they tried and failed to blackmail the Shadow Cabinet, and JC had to go along with the Shadow Cabinet, thus you will have JC starting the debate in opposition to air strikes, while the Shadow Foreign Secretary supports them, its a disaster for Labour, people are going to think that Labour has lost the plot or understood the plot from the start.  A good day for democracy if BAD for Labour. 

The humiliation of Jeremy Corbyn - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Labour Party has elected a far left wing fool to lead them, there are only so many BAD leaders you can take from a political party, the Corby Agenda on the domestic front is no austerity, well we are in the mess we are due to Labour over spending, on national security he will not press the button if the red balloon goes up.   Thus time for the Labour Party to grow up and go back to the centre right polices of Tony Blair.   The Labour Party will only win again when it learns to love Tony Blair, there mus successful leader.  GROW UP LABOUR AND DUMP CORBYN.

Corbyn Agrees to Free Vote - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

Red Jeremy had no choice but to agree to a free vote, otherwise he could have lost most of his Shadow Cabinet.   The hapless leader could not even get the Shadow Cabinet to take a public position on air strikes in Syria.   Thus the vote is won, the Government should grant a 1 day debate and then have the vote and then start bombing the hell out of Daesh.    Those that oppose such bombing should look at the appeasers of the 1930s and ask what would they have said in 1938 and the Munich deal.   The UK has to join its allies and bomb. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Doctor Who Review - Heaven Sent

Lets Get Real:

This was cracking episode, the whole review is a spoiler, we end up stuck in the Doctor's worse nightmare, endless corridors in his own mind, and that mind wants the truth, thus the Doctor has a endless day, and each day is the passing is time travelling in to the future. Thus why why did the Doctor leave his home, we finally get the truth, he saw himself as a threat.   The mystery of WHO the Doctor is of course still a mystery.   Then we get the final shock, the Doctor is home.   This review is short, as any long review would give the story away.  IF you watch only one episode of Doctor Who this year, watch this , it tells you more about the Doctor in a hour than in the few decades. 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Jeremy Corbyn vs. The Labour Shadow Cabinet

Lets Get Real:

This could be the moment that the Labour Party splits, one would advice Mr Corbyn to allow his MPs a free vote otherwise he could lose most of his Shadow Cabinet and face a majority of his MPs going with the government.   The left wing will place pressure on Labour to oppose the Syrian air strikes, as stated in previous post one would hope that Labour MPs find their inner Churchill.   The Labour Party needs to find a new Leader, this mess on the domestic front and now international is no way to run a Party. 

The Internal WAR in Labour - Syrian Strikes

Lets Get Real:

The Labour left is trying to place pressure on MPs even before the Shadow Cabinet have a discussion on the issue on Monday, this is typical of the double dealing of the Labour left, they want the MPs to face pressure from their local parties as these parties have been in some cases taken over by extreme left wingers.   Lets hope Labour MPs find their inner Churchill otherwise it would show that Labour was out to lunch when it comes to the national security of the UK.   The Labour Party is not trusted on domestic issues, it does not want to be seen as a Party that will appease evil.

Labour Leader Opposes Syrian Strikes

Lets Get Real:

This is typical for left wing polices of Jeremy Corbyn, its hard to think of any reason that Corbyn would go to WAR, does the Labour Leader want to be lead by such a weak leader. Lets hope more moderate MPs join with the government and allowing the House of Commons to approve air strikes.  In a Jeremy Corbyn World the terrorists would have a free lunch, there would be no security, the UK and the Western alliance could be blackmailed by any rogue nation.  Thus the time for the House of Commons to finds tough gut and support PM Cameron. 

PM Cameron on Syria - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:
It would PR gold for Daesh if the House of Commons did not agree to striking Daesh in Syria, the House of Commons can not appease Syria, it can not talk to Daesh, there is only one option left, that is to go to War with Daesh, the sooner the better.   It is time for MPs to find their Churchill backbone and support the PM.