Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Ireland Bankrupt Part Three

Guardian: Reports on more pressure on the Irish Economy, another credit agency has announced it might reduce the credit worthiness of Ireland due to its recession of an economy and its debt. The fear is that Ireland will have to be bailed out like Greece by the IMF. Lets recall folks if Ireland goes down the toilet it could have great consequences for the UK economy, Ireland is a major economic partner, thus if Ireland is on its economic death bed then UK at its most basic might have a major stroke, that simple and harsh folks. This blog would suggest that the EU and the US take over ALL banks and check the books, and restart from scratch, one gets the feeling that the banks are sucking the last dollar, pound out of the UK voter as to keep their bonuses. Ireland might be a lost cause, the UK should look at what the costs would be to the UK if Ireland went belly up, get rid of any debts, in other words if it’s a choice between the economy of the UK and Ireland, then UK Government has to protect the UK economy first, no matter the effect on Ireland.

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