Tuesday, October 05, 2010

2010 Mid Term Elections - Part Two

RCP: Reports on its average of generic polls, the RCP average is Republicans 47.9% and Democrats 42.3%. If this is a wipe out election for Democrats the Gallup poll as posted is the likely outcome, but if the Parties are more narrow by Election Day then the Republicans will retake the House and get parity with the Democrats in the Senate. A the effect on the Obama Administration of a big Republican win would be that President Obama would be forced to move to the centre, otherwise he might as well play golf for two years. A narrow win is more of a negative for President Obama, the Oval might get in to its head that the election was a fluke, thus not move to the centre as Clinton moved in 1994, this could lead to Obama losing his bid for re-election in 2012. Thus according to a recent poll 91% of African Americans still support Obama, if African Americans want to see the first African American President win a second term they should vote Republican. A Congress under the Republicans would force both Obama and the Republican Leadership to the centre, thus President Obama could run as a moderate in 2012 and win re-election. In many respects 2010 could decide the election of 2012.

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