Thursday, February 27, 2025

Ukrainian Presisent to visit Trump on Friday - Trump47

Sky News: Reports that President Trump has played down the idea that the US would give security guarantees to the Ukraine before its President visits Friday to sign a minerals agreement. 

Lets Get Real:

If the Ukrainian President signs away its minerals rights to the US, it has to be based on security guarantees, Russian Bear has to be held off and like all bears or tyrants it comes back, this is 1938 all over again, Europe will need to place peacekeepers in the Ukraine to guard off against the Russian Bear. Is history repeating itself?

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Ukraine needs US security guarantees - Sir Keir Starmer - Trump47

BBC News Reports Sir Keir Starmer has stated on his flight to D.C to meet President Trump that the Ukraine needs security guarantees to protect Russia coming back for more after a peace deal.

Lets Get Real:

Trump is cagey over the issue of security guarantees, he has stated that once he has signed a minerais deal with the Ukraine and American companies are there, that is enough security, and it's up to Europe to provide the security, it will be a matter of who is more cunning and the stronger will, POTUS or Sir Keir!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Kremlin Rejects European Troops in Ukraine - Trump47

Guardian:   Reports in its 12.40pm post that the Kremlin has rejected the suggestion that Russia would allow European Troops to guard any ceasefire in the Ukraine.

Lets Get Real:

Either the KÅ•emlin is lying or POTUS just heard what he wanted to hear.  Thus any peace deal without European Troops to guard it, is as safe as the Munich deal of 1938, in other words not worth it, and the Ukraine would be foolish to accept it, thus the talks of a ceasefire could be a false dawn, Putin will not stop, he is a bully, he needs to tough opposition, the West has to be taught or it could be WW3.

UK to increase defense spending by 2.5% by 2027 - Sir Keir Starmer- Trump47

BBC News: Reports in its 12.48pm post that the UK PM, Sir Keir Starmer has stated that UK will be spending 2.5% more on Defence from 2027.  In the next Parliament it will be up to 3%.

Lets Get Real:

This move should make POTUS happy, in return we should get US defence guarantees for the Ukraine.  The cut in spending from foreign aid will not make those left happy, the right should be pleased.  One never knows with POTUS, he might demand more for US security guarantees, also Putin is the WILD CARD, what if he makes a move on the Baltic States, thinking this his only chance to reform the USSR or Imperial Russia.  The World might be on the road to WW3 and we don't know it, times are uncertain at the moment.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Peace cannot mean the surrender of the Ukraine- Trump47

BBC News: Reports in its 8.14pm post that President Macron stated at a news conference with POTUS, that peace cannot come with the surrender of the Ukraine, as its the third anniversary of the invasion of the Ukraine by Russia.

Lets Get Real.

The US Congress can be expected to keeps Trump's feet close to the fire, there are still Reagan Republicans in the House and Senate, they have hidden so far, they surely will not want the Ukraine to surrender to the Russian Bear, Europe has feed its people on welfare and limited defence spending, that has to change, we are in a war condition, its 1939 all over again

POTUS says Putin would allow Europen Troops in the Ukraine- Trump47

Sky News Reports in its 6.13pm post that President Trump has stated the President Putim would accept European Troops in the Ukraine.

Lets Get Real:

The problem with the Donald is that he says what you want to hear and then goes back on what he said.  Has Putin agreed to Europan Troops and from what Country, and are they secured by American security guarantee, then Europe and Ukraine would breath more easily.  This of course could be a lie by Putin and POTUS, then we are on the road to WW3, and the Ukraine would be Czechoslovakia all over again.


Friday, February 21, 2025

Ukraine has no cards to play - Trump47

Sky News: Reports that President Trump has stated that the Ukraine have no cards to play in the WAR with Russia.

Lets Get Real:

Ukraine can say NO to any deal agreed by the US and Russia.  It's like Trump's idea to take over Gaza, it is not going to happen, without US ground troops, it is hot air from Trump, and Europe will have to do something, it will be Baltic States next, if EU does not act, and that means the UK too, we are living in a upside down world, our worst nightmares are coming true!

Trump Critical of President Macron and UK PM Starmer - Trump47

BBC News: Reports in its 4.46pm post that President Trump has been critical of the French and UK leadership when it comes to the Ukraine.

Lets Get Real:

Who does Trump think he is, if the US cuts off military aid to the Ukraine, then EU and UK will have to take its place,  it has happened before, in 1947, the UK could not defend Greece and Turkey against the Comminist threat, and the US took over World Leadership, it might be time for the EU and the UK take over from the US, shame Trump, it took in till 1917 for the US to get in to WW1, 1941 for WW2, while the US is going through its Appeasement phase with Trump, there are the Mid Terms in 2026 and a new Presidential Election in 2028, shame the devil as they say.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trump calls Ukraine President a Dictator - Trump47

 Guardian: Reports " Trump calls Zelenskyy a dictator amid fears of irreconcilable rift "

Lets Get Real:

This is getting out of hand, Trump needs to be controlled by somebody and not the Russians.  The US Congress has to do something, at least the US Senate, we are talking about the lives of millions in the Ukraine, Trump cannot be allowed to destroy US foreign policy, wreaking US domestic policy is one thing, letting Russia win, is quite different.  When Sir Keir, the UK PM visits Trump, he has to talk some sense to him, get him to understand that history will not be good for him, he is no Reagan, more the appeasing Neville Chamberlain.   How an earth this happened, simple its the fault of the American people.   The Shame,

Trump living in a false world crested by Russia - Ukraine- Trump47

Sky News: Reports in its 10.42am post that the President of the Ukraine has stated that President Trump is living in information world that is created by Russia, in other words LIES.

Lets Get Real:

The UK and Europe must act together, shame Trump, get people to send umbrellas to Trump, often used by Neville Chamberlain, make him look weak, by sending troops to the Ukraine, a security guarantee in a way, Trump hates being mocked.  Russia can not be allowed to win, 2025 can not be allowed to be 1938 again, Europe must stand up to the tyrant that is President Putin.  WAKE UP Europe.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Elections in the Ukraine - Trump - Trump47

Sky News: Reports in its 10.03pm post that President Trump is calling for fresh elections in the Ukraine.

Lets Get Real:

As the post points out this would allow Russia to run their own candidate, a puppet who would follow the Russian line, all those Ukrainian deaths for NOTHING.  One does hope that the UK PM will stand up to Trump, time for some straight talking from the UK PM, make Trump realise that the UK will make him a laughing stock of the World, the British should stand with the Ukraine, no matter the cost.   MY expectations are not high, Sir Winston will be rolling in his grave.

NO NATO Troops in the Ukraine- Russia - Trump47

BBC News: Reports that at the Saudi Arabia meeting between the US and Russia, the Foreign Minister of Russia has stated that there can be no NATO Troops in Ukraine to protect against any Russian violence.

Lets Get Real:

Thus the great betrayal of the Ukraine has begun, this is 1938 all over again, Western Europe has learned NOTHING, Trump is an appesar, up there with Neville Chamberlain, Ukraine is the Czechoslovakia, parts being given away, without there approval, SHAME on the US and Europe.

Monday, February 17, 2025

US must be back stop to any security deal - Sir Keir Starmer - Trump 47

 Guardian: Reports in its 7.16pm post the following, " US must provide ‘backstop’ to deter Russia from attacking Ukraine again, Starmer says after emergency Paris summit, "

Lets Get Real:

What if President Trump says NO, what if he wants to sell out the Ukraine because he is impressed by tyrants.  That would force the European Governments in to WAR MODE, one cannot rule out the return of conscription, at least the new recruits would be to taught read and write, even a trade.  The European Capitals should think this 1914 again, after a long peace, welfare has to be cut, the super rich, have to pay high rate is taxes , one cannot rule out WW3, the Russians will be back for more, as Hitler did with Czechoslovakia Republic in 1938/39.  IF the US wants to avoid WW3 it will have to be a security stop even if does not want to be, the World has changed for the worse, and there is no Reagan in the Oval and Thatcher at 10 Downing Street. 

Russia Questions the ROLE of Europe in Peace Talks - Trump 47

Sky News: Reports in its 10.54am post that the Russian Foreign Minister has questioned the role of Europe in ant peace deal.

Lets Get Real:

The Russians only want to deal with Trump, they see him as a pushover, a President who seeks the headlines, and whose ego is not matched by his talents, even Richard Nixon would be turning in his grave! This is not 1938, or the COLD WAR, Russia is a lesser power today, it is trying it on, its not the USSR or Imperial Russia, Trump is the modern Gorachev in reverse, what else will Trump give away in talks with Putin in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere, Europe needs to worry, specially Eastern Europe and the Baltic States.

UK ready to place troops in Ukraine if ceasefire- Trump 47

 BBC News Reports in its 7.29am post that the UK PM has stated that the UK is ready and willing to place UK troops in Ukraine  if there is a peace deal.

Lets Get Real:

This is a brave and good move by PM Starmer, if Trump wants to sell a Deal, he will need the Ukraine and Europe on board, we recall 1938 and Munich, and then the UK was there, NOW we are in the COLD,  very much like Czechoslovakia was in 1938, and what happened Hitler's Germany came back for more.  2025 cannot be a repeat of 1938.  One wishes that Trump read books, political history, are we doomed to make the same mistakes again.  ONE is wary of a US-Russia deal, and Trump selling out the Ukraine.

Friday, February 14, 2025

POTUS talks to Sir Keir Starmer - Trump47

 Guardian: Reports in its 7.59 post that President Trump called the British PM, Sir Keir Starmer, there will be a meeting in due course.

Lets Get Real:

The call should be of no surprise, after Sir Keir stated that nothing would stop the Ukraine from joining NATO.  The US will need the UK and Europe to support any PEACE DEAL worth the name, Trump47 does not want to be seen as another appeaser in the same league as Neville Chamberlain, the Trump Oval has jumped before thinking at the end point.  GOOD  call by Sir Keir.

No Peace in Ukraine War withou Kyiv on board,- Trump47

 BBC News: Reports that the President of the Ukraine has stated that there can be no peace deal in the Ukraine- Russian War, without Kyiv being part of the process.

Lets Get Real:

Readers just have to read the origins of WW2, the part played by Munich 1938, when the British PM at the time Neville Chamberlain  appeased Hitler at the time at the Munich meeting, the plan was to stop Hitler by appeasing him with parts Czechoslovakia, if he did not invade the rest.  Hitler felt that Chamberlain had cheated him out of a war, the Nazi leader waited a few months then invade the rest of Czechoslovakia, then Poland and WW2.  Kyiv and NATO members will have to keep Ukraine going if Trump cuts military support to the Ukraine.  The road WW3 could be set.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

US and Russia talks to start Immediately on the Ukraine - Trump47

Sky News: Reports that the US and Russia are to start talks immediately on the War in the Ukraine:

Lets Get Real:

POTUS had the cheek to have the portrait of US President Ronald Reagan on his wall, the Gipper will be rolling in his grave, Reagan won the Cold War, Trump has given Putin a WIN in the New Cold War II, he should have portrait of Neville Chamberlain on his walll, the last great appeaser in 1938.  Sad day for Western Security.  Also the US Secretary of Defence has stated that Europe is not US first priority, another win for Putin.

The Felon and War Criminal to meet in Saudi Arabia - Trump47

BBC News: Reports in its 9.04pn post that President Trump is to meet President Putin of Russia in Saudi Arabia.  The President's will discuss the Ukraine War.

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Great Sellout starts, Ukraine by the sound of things won't be there, Munich 1938 all over again.  ONE can only hope, NATO members remember their history, they will need to back the Ukraine when the US cuts off the money, or we will have WW3 later, a shameful day for Western Security, God help the Ukraine!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Jerusalem sets Saturday for deadline when it comes to hostages - Trump47

BBC News: Reports that the Israeli Government has accepted the US deadline for the hostages, it will be Saturday at noon.

Lets Get Real:

The Oval has set the deadline for the hostages, Hamas will have to decide does it want to cross Trump and face the consequences, or release the hostages in one go or try to release them as planned a couple at a time.  The Trump Oval wants Gaza, who has the will to say no, what about Egypt or Jordan.  Time will tell!

All hostsges should be released by Saturdsy - Trump47

Guardian Reports in its 11.23pm post that President Trump has stated ALL hostages should be released by Saturday at 12pm or all hell would break lose.

Lets Get Real:

POTUS has given leave to Israel to over rule him, why would they, POTUS has set a new deadline for Saturday, if Hamas has any sense they would deliver all the hostages who are alive and the remains of those who have died to the Israeli Government or face the wrath of God.  It is change from sleepy Joe Biden, Trump 47 sets the deadline for Gaza

Monday, February 10, 2025

Hamas Revokes Gaza Ceasefire- Trump 47

BBC News: Reports in its 4.42pm post that since Hamas Revoked the ceasefire, Israel  has placed its forces are on ALERT.

Lets Get Repal:

Hamas playing games, it wants more concessions from Israel.  POTUS has not helped by stating that he wants Gaza, and the Palestinians would have no right to return.  Thus Hamas wants to place pressure on the US, for them to place pressure on Israel.  Jerusalem should not buckle, Hamas is a terrorist Group, thus expect them to break their word.  

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Trump talks to Putin about the Ukraine - Trump47

Sky News: Reports in its 7.55am post that President Trump has talked to President Putin of Russia.  They discussed the Ukraine WAR.

Lets Get Real:

POTUS stated that Putin was concerned about the deaths in the Ukraine WAR, simple solution, Russia should walk away from the WAR it started, they have of late used North Korean troops, they are running out of troops, we are expecting a meeting between the Felon and the War Criminal, that should be an interesting picture.  

Saturday, February 08, 2025

POTUS revokes Joe Biden's security clearance- Trump47

CNN Reports President Trump has revoked former President Biden's security clearance.

Lets Get Real:

Thus petty politics at play, Biden did the same to him and Trump won in 2024 and not VP Harris, so this is payback time, neither men understood at the time, that the club of former Presidents is very limited, so Presidents used to take care of their predecessors, as they would become former Presidents in time.   The advice of former Presidents is valuable, they are the men who have held the office.  Reagan valued the political advice and foreign viewpoint from Richard Nixon.  At the height of Iran - Contra Nixon wrote a note to Reagan, not to talk about the issue.  Reagan placed the note in his diary.  This is a lesson that neither Trump or Biden have learned.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

White House walk back from Trump47 Gaza Plan - Trump47

Guardian: Reports in its 8.12pm post that the White House has walked back Trump's comments about the US taking over Gaza.

Lets Get Real:

Someone needs to control Trump, his idea has received negative views around the World.  NEITHER Jordan or Egypt want 2.2 million more refugees, the age of Empire's has gone, also Trump's plan would break international law.  The White House  Chief of Staff needs to make that Trump does not cause an international crisis, next will be the Ukraine, more aid or NATO countries will have to fund Kyiv, oh for the quiet days of Biden.

Trump warns Iran - Trump47

Sky News: Reports in its 7.59pm post that President Trump has signed a memorandum that Iran is to close to the bomb, and should Iran  try to assassinated Trump, then Iran will be totally destroyed.

Lets Get Real:

This is a THREAT by Trump, Tehran should do a deal with the US, no Nukes and the sanctions are removed, a REAL DEAL, one that can be confirmed by the US and the UN.  The time might be short for a deal, Israel wants to remove the threat  by force, the clock is ticking.

US to take over Gaza - Trump47

BBC News: Reports in its 12:20am post that President Trump is suggesting taking over Gaza.

Lets Get Real:

This is an outrageous suggestion, the US taking over Gaza, is Empire building, also the suggestion that the US take over Greenland, who happened to be owned by Denmark, one does wonder who has been filling Trump47 head with such rubbish.  The age of Empire's is over, it only causes trouble.  At least Trump47 is doing something, its wrong and will cause trouble on the domestic front and international affairs.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Canada given a Month to solve drug problem at the border - Trump47

The White House: Reports that President Trump has ordered a delay of 30 days to the Tariffs on Canada,  thus to allow Canada to clean up the drug problem on its border.

Lets Get Real:

This was a silly trade war started due to problems on the Southern border with Mexico, over immigration and with Canada over drugs, Mexico promised to send ten thousand troops to the border, will this pause make a difference, we shall see, the EU is next, what of the UK, who will they support in a trade war.

Monday, February 03, 2025

UK to give more support to the Ukraine - UK PM

BBC News:  Reports in its 4.35pm post that UK PM has stated more support for the Ukraine this year.

Lets Get Real: 

The policy on the Ukraine will test the unity of the EU and the UK, if Trump 47 pulled the plug on funding, then Europe will have to decide, welfare or military support for the Ukraine.  As with the Tariffs battle, Trump is not afraid to hit allies badly in the pocket.   The Kremlin will look on and bounce on weakness.  Interesting time ahead for NATO.