Tuesday, July 09, 2019

What is the House of Commons Speaker up to ? Brexit Update 2 - End of the May Era

Lets Get Real:

The question is what is the House of Commons Speaker up to, he has thrown out past historical precedent, so why follow the rules now.  If your of a devious mind you would think that the Speaker and his Remain allies have something up their sleeve for the next time.  The new PM has to ge to work FAST, get the UK out of the EU as fast as possible, and not to extend the 31st October deadline.  The BBC has already had a show that attempted to place the fear of God in to those that believe in Brexit, the implications being if there is BREXIT, it is the end of the World, you will have to wait a week for your apples from France.  One gets the impression that these smeg head Reaminers are not the types you would want a fox hole with your or going over the top of a trench, worse they would have been appeasers in the 1930s.  That is how far they are out of it, poor UK. 

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