Thursday, February 07, 2019

Better in HELL than in the EU! - Brexit Update 1- Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This is why the UK voter voted to leave the EU.   The EU at its most basic is saying that Leave voters are going to HELL.  Well if that is the case the UK Government can spend the 39 billion it was going to give to the EU to the NHS and also TAX CUTS.   The EU was never that popular in the UK, the EU might under the impression of Tony Blair that if they wait and play hardball then the UK will change its mind or go for a SOFT BREXIT.   Europeans have never understood the UK, there have been reports that the Germans want a EXIT for all parties, one hopes that Berlin reminds the EU who funds them most, and it's not the French.  The meeting between the PM and the EU should be interesting, the EU have to give something or the UK is heading for a HARD BREXIT. 

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