Monday, October 15, 2018

Brexit Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The PM must be wondering why she wanted to become PM, all her routes out of the EU problems costs her, if she allows Northern Ireland to be treated differently that the rest of the UK then she loses the DUP, if she does not set a deadline for when the UK cuts official ties with the EU she loses the hard remainers and hard brexit supporters. In harsh political terms, the PM is up the Creek, the EU either do not understand or no not care that their manner could lead to a no deal result. The PM has to be tough, she should go for a NO DEAL and force her small hard remainers to bring the Government or go to the Country and sell a no deal plan. When the sharks are after you and they smell blood in the water it is better to get on to the biggest boat you can and wack them back if you have too, ( real sharks get to much bad press, I blame Jaws ) Political time is running out for the PM and the Government.

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