Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Debt and the Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports the following on the Eurozone Crisis, “ The eurozone debt crisis is set to spread and deepen next year, senior central bankers warned on Monday .. ”. Thus what answer does the EU have, yes more money down the toilet to protect the PIIGS, this is mad, at what point do they get the fact that this policy is rubbish, the debt mountain is to much, the welfare state of the EU will always create more debt that there is funding to match it, thus throwing the money at the Euro is like a drug dealer giving more drugs to his customers at a cheap rate. The Greeks, the Italians are never going to reform, the EU can not afford for Italy to go down, even Ireland that has produced many austerity packages has seen its economy retract, the Country in the view of friend of Blog, Helen from Ireland is still in recession, is not a matter of going back in to recession. Thus at least UK PM David Cameron was brave to NO, and today the Chancellor of the Exchequer has said NO to more funding for the IMF to bailout out the PIIGS. This is endless darkness folks, there is more light at the end of the black hole than for the Eurozone.

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