Friday, September 16, 2011

Lose Talks Sinks EU?

BBC News: Reports that the Timothy Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary has warned the EU that lose talk about divisions in policy when it comes to Greece could damage the Euro. What would really kill off the Euro would be if EU politicians listened to this kind of rubbish, the US has a 14 trillion debt, the President cant move his agenda through the Congress, the Oval is in constant re-election mode, thus the jobs speech. The one Country that needs a healthy truthful debate about debt is the US, the Democrats are tied to welfare spending, any spending in fact, while EU has a welfare system that is killing the economic growth within the EU. As to Greece the Euro Countries have pushed the decision to October, one gets the feeling that Euro politicians are hoping that something comes along that will allow Greece to stay in the Euro, good luck with that folks. The EU, European Central Bank and IMF officials in Athens have not been impressed with Greek cuts, why would it be better in October, one can almost see Euro politicians taking the EU over the cliff because they don’t have the nerve to push Greece out, they are allowing the dream of the EU to colour the real world that Greece is economic dodo, its finished, its needs the EU to put a stake through its heart, thus far its an endless nightmare.

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