Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Other Polls

Right folks lets have a look at other polls, and in my view more accurate for the 08 race.

Rasmussen Poll: This shows the race a lot closer, Obama has a 5% lead of McCain. The tracking poll has the following results: Obama 48% - McCain 43%. Again Obama has not gotten over the 50% mark while McCain is still under 45%. Thus a narrow lead by Obama, recall if narrow lead by rule is that its an even race.

Gallup Poll: This poll shows a even race, Obama is ahead but not by much, 2%. The poll find the following, Obama 46% - McCain 44%. As stated above the Obama lead is between 5% - 2%. This race is not going to be a blowout for either candidate. A long hot summer awaits, well rain in the UK.

USA TODAY/Gallup Poll
: Also shows that the Obama lead is in the margin stated above, in this poll its 6%. Not the 15% swing in the Newsweek Poll. In this poll, Obama 50% - McCain 44%. Lets see if the polls change over the days, weeks ahead, if not we can discount the Newsweek the poll as an outrider and that is being kind, Newsweek is the tank for Obama lets hope its not became a 527 in all but name.

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