Tuesday, December 07, 2021

The RESCUE of US Citizens from the Ukraine if Russia Invades - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

IF Afghanistan is an example of the Biden Administration helping American citizens, then any US Citizens in the Ukraine should get on the next commercial flight out of Kiev, the US recuse plan in Afghanistan left hundreds of Americans behind, also what about US Allies, the new version of the KGB will be looking for them if Russian invades the Ukraine.  The THREAT of sanctions does not bother Putin and his team, the Russian Leader and Russia are under sanctions already.  Those rich friends of Putin might be able to influence him not to invade, it would do awful things to their social calendar.  The PRIZE for Putin would getting the Ukraine back under Moscow control, he wants to rebuild the former USSR and he sees the Ukraine as part of Russia.  In less the Biden Oval is willing to supply the Kiev Government with military equipment a lot of people in the Ukraine will die if Russia invades.  Also the EU would have to DEAL with hundred of thousands if not millions of Refugees from the Ukraine, will they really CLOSE the border on them.  Either Putin backs down and could face being toppled or Biden Oval wins, who thinks that is going to happen after Afghanistan. 

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