Wednesday, May 20, 2020

UK's FAULT on UK/EU Transition Talks - Update 1 - Brexit Talks

Lets Get Real:

The EU is still not getting the FACT that the UK LEFT the EU.  They are now critical of a letter sent by the UK side, in essence both sides have not moved, the UK will not move, it has the support of the UK voter, in 2016 and 2019.  The EU is run by Paris and Germany, these leaders have their own problems and are looking for a victory to keep the domestic voter happy.  One should ask these leaders if their fishermen/women will be happy if they are barred from UK waters because their leaders have not seen the direction of travel taken by the UK leadership.  It has been reported that the UK has given the EU two weeks to change course, sof far they have not, it is time to cut bait and go for a NO DEAL BREXIT.

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