Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Abortion in the US - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

IF you are a REAL CONSERVATIVE you support abortion on demand, a true Conservative believes in LIMITED GOVERNMENT, the restrictions on abortion is an attempt by Government, either local or Federal to say what they think the boundaries are, while truth  is abortion should take place at any time, if the mother does not want the child, or can not afford to support it, think how how many one parent families there are, and those that can not afford to support themselves.   A true Conservative would support no restrictions and allow the issue to be between the Doctor and the woman.  On this issue men do not have any rights, they do not have to carry the baby for nine months, they do not have to bring it up if the father does a runner.   As a classic liberal, a real Conservative support the selling of drugs on demand, at a lower price than drug runners, thus ending the War on drugs.   It is odd but its liberals are the true Conservatives when it comes to this issue of abortion and drugs.

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