Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Russians BREAK INF Treaty - 2nd Term Blues

The New York Times: Reports that Russia has violated the INF Treaty signed by President Reagan and President Gorbachev in 1987, the article notes the following on the INF Treaty, " ..helped seal the end of the Cold War and has been regarded as a cornerstone of American-Russian arms control efforts. "

Lets Get Real:

When it came to the Russians the Gipper stated Trust but verify, it seems that the Russians are back sliding on a Treaty, the Oval should place pressure on the Kremlin to keep to this important Treaty, if the Russian word can not be trusted then the West will have to increase defence spending and place more troops in East Europe and the Baltic States, the US should give Russia time to get back on board when it comes to INF, but a limited time.   President Putin plays games, he sees the lack of resolve in the West, thus time for the West to consider a massive increase in defence spending, the Post Cold War period IS OVER, its a NEW COLD WAR 2.    At the end of the day the Putin's Russia breaks treaties, allows it powerful weapons to shoot down planes, is shelling the East of Ukraine, time to clip the claws of the Russian bear, before he gets out of total control. 

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